Chairman of Selectors
Sad news for me and other Montoya fans. He is leaving F1 for Nascar.
Well its Alonso and Mclaren next season then!!!
Well its Alonso and Mclaren next season then!!!
satishmania said:So Hamilton is gonna replace Montoya is it?
Sureshot said:McLaren have today (I think) announced Pedro De La Rosa as an immediate replacement for Montoya.
Kev said:I wouldnt count out McLaren just because of the loss of Newey, In all truth he hasnt had that much to do with the design of the car for a while but rather he headed a team of designers. He took a "step backwards" a few years back when it was rumored he was going to design a sailboat for the America's cup. McLaren's biggest problem is those Merc engines.
Agreed, and that is one of the reasons why I liked him from his very first season in F1 with WilliamsBMW. And I am certain if BMW and Williams had got things going and continued developing their car, then Montoya would have probably had a good chance of winning the World Championship.Kev said:Montoya leaving will leave F1 poorer. It will miss a sometimes controvercial driver with fantastic overtaking skills. He was probably the driver that reinvented overtaking in F1 in recent years.