H0wZ4T! Presents World Wrestling Entertainment.. [Just like Ric Flair...]

How would you rate the writing of JJ Simpson?

  • Brilliant

    Votes: 8 38.1%
  • Good

    Votes: 8 38.1%
  • Average

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • Bad

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • Horrifying

    Votes: 3 14.3%

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John Cena, Umaga & Randy Orton vs Shawn Michaels, HHH & Batista

Kane vs Shelton Benjamin

Mr. Kennedy vs Finlay

AJ Styles vs Matt Hardy

Who did you expect me to pick? :p
AJ is better though, if I win again I will go for Daniels though ;)

Or maybe Samoa Joe actually, I would be interested on how well you would make him do seeing as you made AJ come in and destroy Taker on debut!
John Cena, Umaga & Randy Orton vs Shawn Michaels, HHH & Batista
Kane vs Shelton Benjamin

Mr. Kennedy vs Finlay

AJ Styles vs Matt Hardy
AJ is better though, if I win again I will go for Daniels though ;)

Or maybe Samoa Joe actually, I would be interested on how well you would make him do seeing as you made AJ come in and destroy Taker on debut!

This month isn't a month, where you choose a new hiring. You choose the type of match for the main event for Unforgiven, Batista vs Randy Orton.
Is this story continuing, then?
Yeah, I am writing RAW as you read this. The reason, there is a delay between shows is due to other work to do. School and all that crap... :D

3rd September 2007 ? RAW from Washington DC.

Segment One:
After the pyro show, the cocky AJ Styles strolls down the ramp to mixed reactions. He tells the fans that he is in the WWE, after something called Chez got him a contract, but AJ admits to leaving him crippled. Then, he demands a match to prove his worth in the company. After launching his microphone to the floor, AJ waits and he is greeted by Matt Hardy...

Rating: B

AJ Styles vs Matt Hardy:
Styles began the match in his trademark style, springboarding from the ropes and flattening Hardy. After a few small packages and roll-ups, AJ started to get annoyed and hit Matt with two huge Backflip Pele Kicks to the head of Hardy. Despite a close two count, Hardy began to show his never die attitude and began to counter Styles' attacks, reversing a backflip DDT into a Twist of Fate! 1..2..Foot on the rope! Styles recovers and wore down Hardy with the Boston Crap, before hitting the Styles Clash for the pinfall.

Rating: A

Segment Two:
As AJ Styles celebrated a great victory over Matt Hardy, Shawn Michaels appears on the camera. He talked to Maria about his match against John Cena at Unforgiven. But, HBK said that he was ready to teach Cena a lesson in respect and wrestling. But, as Michaels prepares to leave the interview, the team of Cena and a huge Russian-looking man attack him with a chair! With HBK left on the floor, Cena laughs and introduces the world to his new crew: The Chain Gang...

Rating: B

Mr. Kennedy vs Finlay:
With Kennedy looking for momentum for Unforgiven, he started in good shape. He took the fight to the Irishman and MVP's new enforcer with his signature snap DDT's and camel clutchs. But as Finlay attempted to get some breath, Kennedy thought outside the box and launched into a huge suicide dive onto Finlay! Both men squirmed around on the floor, with the referee onto a count of eight... Kennedy rolls into the ring... nine... Finlay crawls under the bottom rope, but Kennedy places him on his shoulders and hits a running Green Bay Plunge! 1..2..3!

Rating: B

Segment Three:
Kennedy celebrates in the crowd, but the scene changes to the ever-present Ric Flair and his newest protege, Bobby Lashley. As they discuss the NHL, King Booker confronts Flair and tells him that he wasn't happy about the events of Smackdown last Friday. Flair just laughs and tells Booker that he had coming to him, because Bobby doesn't just beat his opponents, he dominates them. Booker grabs Flair and asks him if he dominates anyone. Flair outright challenges King Booker who accepts the match and JR tells us that it will be next!

Rating: B

Ric Flair w/Bobby Lashley vs King Booker w/Queen Sharmell:
Booker goes straight after the Nature Boy, who responds with his famous chop to the chest and a huge WOOOOOOOOO! As Booker is stung with the chops, he snaps and begins to brawl with Ric, who is overwhelmed by the power of the King. Flair is helpless in the corner of the ring, as the King pounds Flair with his fists. The referee has to stop the match, yet Booker carries on with his assault. But, Lashley springs into the ring and pounds Booker with his shots, leading to one of the best brawls in months. The two men have separated by security, referees and road agents, giving a great preview for Unforgiven.

Rating: A

Segment Four:
With the brawl still going on the ring, an amazed DX are watching the scenes of destruction in their changing room. HHH remarks about how powerful Lashley is, before asking HBK if he is OK to fight in the main event. HBK says he has felt worse, he will be fine. HHH asks him if he is sure, because he can always get enough a crazy S.O.B to beat on Cena, to which HBK replies he wants to do it himself.

Rating: C

Kane vs Shelton Benjamin:
In the second of the momentum matches, the powerful Kane begins to dominate Benjamin, throwing him into ring posts, barriers and the steel steps. As Benjamin begins to regret accepting the match, he nails Kane with a sneaky low blow and rolls him up for a close fall. With Shelton taking his offence to the top rope, he lands a flying crossbody, but all of a sudden, Mr. Kennedy appears on the ramp and walks to the ring. After tempting Shelton to the outside, the two men brawl and Kane joins them as well, leading to a double countout.

Rating: B

Segment Five:
All of three men end up in the crowd and eventually take the fight backstage. With everyone using any object, including bottles and Al Snow's Head, on the other, they brush past good ol' Ron Simmons, who has only one word: DAMN! Next, a hype video showing the full members of Evolution V2 and their trail of destruction so far.

Rating: B

Batista & DX vs John Cena, Randy Orton & Umaga w/Vince McMahon:
Cena and Batista begin the match, with the Animal outpowering the champ on various occasions. But, Cena shows some resillance and tags in Umaga, who brawls with Batista. HHH is let loose on the Samoan Bulldozer and again, a giant brawl ensues. With Umaga gaining the upper hand, he places HHH in the corner and prepares to run him with authority... Umaga runs... HHH rolls out of the way and gets in HBK, who flattens Umaga with Sweet Chin Music! Michaels hooks the leg; 1..2.. Umaga kicks out! With HBK shocked, Orton gets into the action and tries to hit a quick RKO, but Michaels launches Orton into John Cena, who is now the legal man! To the delight and support of the fans, HBK begins to battle Cena, but he is pulled out of the ring by McMahon! HBK snarls and hits McMahon with the Sweet Chin Music! In the ring, HHH and Batista brawl with Orton/Umaga, but Cena is speared! Michaels with the pin, 1..2..3! What a match!

Rating: A

Segment Six:
With Jim Ross saying BAH GAWD and Lawler in applause, DX and Batista signal to the other three men that they are kings of the WWE Jungle and RAW goes off the air to spectacular applause.

Rating: C

Overall Rating: B/A

Quick Results:
AJ Styles over Matt Hardy.
Mr. Kennedy over Finlay.
Ric Flair over King Booker by disqualification.
Kane drew Shelton Benjamin by double countout.
Batista & DX over John Cena, Randy Orton & Umaga.


OrderDX ? 11

The Spin ? 11
sd92 - 7

GrayNicholls - 3
tobes - 2

PaulNixon1 - 2
really good show liked the opening with AJ and i loved the hyping of the main event between DX overall good show and hopefully i can stay ahead of Chez on the leaderboard
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