HMV has started to ship pre-orders

Noo Noo Noo!

All you damn yankees are getting the game while us honest, hardworkin Southern folk are being screwed!

Mark added 0 Minutes and 27 Seconds later...

Where are you at ?

He is in Chicago I believe.
I am happy to know that the wait is almost over.......mark our copies have to be somewhere near.
Noo Noo Noo!

All you damn yankees are getting the game while us honest, hardworkin Southern folk are being screwed!

Lol. I'm sure you'll get it soon enough. If you haven't checked the mailbox, maybe its there already?

Anyway, if it makes you feel better - I don't know what's worse; not having it or not being able to play it soon as I have it! Its a busy day (working from home, but gotta get through the next few hours with teleconferences and what not). Will pop it in to see how it looks in a bit, but will only get around to some serious time with it later in the day.
i know mark knows quite a few ppl on PC who are based in U.S. but is there a list that any of you other two have...I'd love to do some lag free - connection loss free matches...i.e. after i get my copy :)
Yea but I'll send it through PM.

A list of all the Americans on pc who are getting ic10
I just received my 2nd copy of the game, nice work HMV.

Weird that a couple of hours could take a day off in delivery, no complaints though.
mrman, btw anyone in UK with a decent connection has minimal lag. So don't just restrict yourself to playing Americans and Canadians. Lots of good UK players on ps3 :)

Mark added 0 Minutes and 31 Seconds later...

I just received my 2nd copy of the game, nice work HMV.

Weird that a couple of hours could take a day off in delivery, no complaints though.

where in the US?
haha damn, wouldn't wanna drive it down to Texas would ya? Reckon you might make it by tomorrow morning :D
mrman, btw anyone in UK with a decent connection has minimal lag. So don't just restrict yourself to playing Americans and Canadians. Lots of good UK players on ps3 :)

Mark added 0 Minutes and 31 Seconds later...

where in the US?

cool.... i have a 12 MB down/ 2 MB up connection so i should not have lag issues with UK ppl either but i noticed that chances of connection drop are more with more hops involved....but for sure i will not be restricting myself from playing against other ppl :)

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