HMV has started to ship pre-orders

yay looks like my copy has arrived as well...however it is a typical monday at work so won't be able to get home till late and my late in PST timezone would be super late for other U.S. people i guess. Mark if you also got your copy then we may do a couple online matches.. tonight...
I am leaving work in an hour, 10 minute drive home so hopefully my copy will be there when I arrive.

Took off work tomorrow, so I will be up till at least 3 am playing. Lets get some unranked games in for sure.
Well, I'm right at or near the bottom of the world here in Invercargill and my copy has just arrived from the other side of the world!!!
If my copy is not in the mailbox when I get home I will go mental
i think you should have gotten it too. probably the bunch arrived together at one of the international airport......some of the people might have got it on Saturday itself whereas others got it today....
I did a little Irish Jig when I saw it in the mailbox, cute neighbor saw me doing it and laughed but I honestly don't give a ████. Im too excited.

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