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I think it would be the same as pace bowlers....the speed with which you pull the stick back would determine the bowling speed (I am assuming you move RAS back for spinner as well since, I think, madman has said that he had to time the jump for a spinner as well) while the final length (I say final, as you do choose the initial length area before you start the runup) would depend on how early/late you move the RAS forward.

Yeah see that's where I'm not too sure. Like I said the right stick for a spinner controls delivery type while for a seamer it controls delivery stride, release and line. I note that the control map suggests that the left stick controls line for a spinner, so maybe when you start/stop rotating controls the release for length? But then you're back to the question of how you control pace/flight.

It would be nice if we could get a definitive answer although I supose we'll all be able to find out for ourselves in just over 2 weeks :)

Edit: Planning on playing my career as a spinner so I obviously have a vested interest in finding out these details :)
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Great read I must say, can't wait to get my hands on the game in a couple of weeks. Really looking forward to trying the AI out and seeing how they play a test match.
OK Lets dig into this, before I get into Catching, the information you mentioned about bowling is coming back to me. Once again i have no idea what buttons i was pressing for length, thats fine, and easy enough to fix, it was the Line of the balls i was struggling with, i continued to bowl wide of offstump, im not sure if it was the way i was holding the analogue sticks or what, but trust me all of you, we will master it, its the concentration levels that will cause us to bowl bad balls.

The pulling back of the stick as quick as possible is what i honestly thought i was doing, i also thought that it was the pace that you pushed up the stick at release is where the pace came from, i honestly had no idea, all i know is i was bowling 110kph wide half volleys that MattW was dealing with rather easy!!

spinners, once again i had no idea, all i remember was telling myself to make sure i rotated the stick so it would spin, with my natural ps3 retardness, trying to rotate the stick, line up the ball on the stumps, jump early so i wouldnt bowl no balls, it got too much for me and all i ended up doing was bowling straight wide loopy balls, spin is tough!!

Now catching, well once again, I could be corrected, but at the start i totally forgot that when I went for a catch i had to press up (for a high catch) on one of the analogue sticks for the bloke to try and catch it. Its also all about timing there as well, listen it was in early november so i am struggling to remember exactly what i did, but from ememory, the first couple of catches i went for i ran to the right position and dropped them, then Mikeym mention to me that to catch the ball dont forget to press up, i think with the right analogue, just as your about to catch it, and bang, mattW loses another wicket with a stunning (standard) catch!

Another thing i want to mention, which may get a little annoying, you may call this a glitch, but when playing spin, and playing a front foot stroke or any type of aggressive stroke, your players natural footwork moves you out of the crease... if you dont press the triangle button (i think) then you will be stumped EVERY TIME!! This is the only negative thing i remember from the day, playing a cover drive to a spinner and being stumped!! Ross said to me to make sure i pressed the button to get back into my crease, so here is the MadMans 1st tip ever, when playing against the spinner in the nets, if you miss a ball, practice pressing the button that gets you back into the crease.

I for one would just rather play deeper in my crease so i dont have to worry about getting stumped everytime i miss a spinner even if im not adbvancing

this may be fixed, I strongly suggest someone check it out in the nets, play against the spinner, miss a normal cover drive, and see if your back foot is on or outside the crease, if this is the case, please let me know if you get the option to bat further in your crease, if not, then make sure you lot learn the button of how to get back into your crease and practice pressing that ba$tard!!

Thanks Madman981 Some great bits of information. Can't wait to try this game out
@madman981 tell us a little about swinging and seaming the ball how is it done ? were you or someone else was able to generate any swing or movement of the ball after hitting the deck.

I have not seen this happening in any video yet and very interested in it.

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