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Starting a new career as a batting all rounder. Now targeting Motm in my first game with 9 (Runs) for 4 in the first innings and currently 44* batting :yes.
Just scored 91 in a List A match. I was in the 70's when I edged one to the keeper but the umpire signaled a No Ball. I laughed almost hysterically at how lucky I was.

Haha kinda the same thing hapened to me, was on 59 and got bowled on a no-ball, was a nice suprise. Too bad i got bowled for 73 :(
May I suggest not looking at the top of the PS3 leaderboards...
Online leaderboards, the "Natural Selection" of the modern age...
Chunster won't last long on top I'll have that title by the end of tonight then I can be king kingknob muahaha
...the correct terminology would be; Tonight you can mount kingknob's "throne"

Athankya, With love, @ethybubs. Here all night, try the veal.

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