How often you take a shower?

We have had a drought since about 1999.

well the defination of drought is 'A long period of abnormally low rainfall'

if its been the same since 1999 then you cant call it abnormally low surely! its now the norm after 9 years of it
I shower once a day, most of the times in the evening at about 8-9pm. I would love to shower twice a day, but sitting in front of my PC takes up almost all the time that I have in my life! lolz...
I shower until the hot water runs out, takes 10 - 15 mins XD sometimes less though.
Damn, a lot of people waste water. Especially those who live in Australia!
Did you get stuck...

Yeah. :p

The shower we used to have had a kind of locking system when if you locked the shower door fully then it would only be able to be opened from the outside. I didn't know this at the time but after this happened I never forgot.

That's a stupid mechanism, a shower door that can only be opened from the outside?
I was taking Showers about 5 times a day

But I'm banned from B&Q, Wickes, Homebase and all the other DIY superstores in my area now :spy

Boom! Boom!

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