How often you take a shower?

Twice a day, sometimes only 1.

In the morning my girlfriend and I have our shower ritual and we will shower together, then at night I usually take one before bed.

Totally random thread though haha.

Shower with GF in the morning = nice way to wake up!! :)
n India you need 4 showers.Especially in summer.It's so damn hot here

You must have alot of water then. I have only 1 shower a day. And I admit, it goes for a "bit" longer than the 2 minutes it's supposed to go for.
It's called a drought, we have these things called WATER RESTRICTIONS
no need to be sarcastic, im sure you dont know the current level of water in stockport do you, so why would i know about it there
Most of the Aussie dams have about 30-40%. Getting lower every year. We are on stage 3 water restrictions in Melbourne. I think it's stage 4 in Sydney.
haha, what a thread, just the once a day for me there isn't enough water here!
So you lot don't shower for 15+ minutes? Just me then.
id love a 15 minute shower the possibilities would be endles...... not looking like its gunna happen soon though

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