How often you take a shower?

lol yeah, kids naked in streets with water tubs, LOL.
I have seen that in villages.

and my English is good enough for someone to understand.
I think he ment this

Just to make Usy not look like a fool. I myslef have witnessed children naked with water-tubs in India. Only in the poor villages though.

Myself, I have a shower just before I go to bed everyday, except on a Saturday where I just wake up and have one straightaway. Don't have enough time to have one in the morning in weekdays, as much as I would like to though...

-In ancient times Monks and nuns did not bathe, as it was considered sensual and therefore sinful
-Typically less than 1% of all water treated for drinking is actually consumed by people. 99% of all water treated for drinking is used for things like showers, lawn sprinkling, to flush toilets, etc.
-On base in Antarctica, you are only allowed to take two, two-minute showers a week.
-Shower in German is 'douche'

Dusche, even.

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