I am leaving/back thread

Can we talk about hotcakes?
Pretty sure that had I posted this, I would have received an infraction from Pranav.
Ok, guys. I am going on a trip today, won't have any internet access while I'm gone. Will be back in Monday so, see y'all then.
Finally a post that does deserves a place in this thread. Enjoy your trip!
I won't be here for 2 days, going to my hometown, will have a terribly slow internet connection there, so am not supposed to be online for 2-3 days.
Pretty sure that had I posted this, I would have received an infraction from Pranav.

that's because you're not legend.

It's sort of like grace, you can't teach or learn it, you just have it.
No words to describe how cringeworthy this site has become. It's no wonder I post like twice a month...
We(My Family) are shifting to a new place on May 27,i wont be available for about two weeks.
You're shifting somewhere near Kakinada right? BTW, thought of meeting you in this June, after I finish my exams, but :/.
BTW, whabbout your studies? Continueing 'em at Kakinada/you staying back here at hostel?

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