ICC Online/Planet Cricket Cup Type Thingy?

Why not? Obviously we will play more one day games, but i think it adds some extra interest to it all.
Tbh you'd be better starting off just the OD matches in a league format(2 games vs everyone) and if people are still interested then the FC games cause FC can be very long winded online.
Why not? Obviously we will play more one day games, but i think it adds some extra interest to it all.

I don't have any objections to it, but others might be put off by it. Assess it further when we know how many will be interested. I'll chuck a link in my sig.
I don't have any objections to it, but others might be put off by it. Assess it further when we know how many will be interested. I'll chuck a link in my sig.

Thanks, sounds good.

I just thought the odd first class game here and there would make things a little more interesting, and we would see different tactical approaches, and player selections.
If we did a league format. Everyone plays each other twice (depending on how many we get to join this). One game is OD one game is FC?
well I would be interested but do not have the game :(

a few questoins that may help though.

Will people be allowed to continue with their game while the comp is running.


Gas vs Sureshot

Gas' side are on top form and full of stars and they win

(Gas plays a season)

Gas vs Simbazz

Gas' side are rock bottom inn single player, on poor form and face defeat to Simbazz's side which is worse than Sureshots.

Understand its for fun but halting single player would be fair I think.
If we did a league format. Everyone plays each other twice (depending on how many we get to join this). One game is OD one game is FC?

Sounds good. Maybe we should start with a default squad for online games, im going to play some games with the default squad online and see how i fare.
Interesting idea on the default squads idea.

It would either have to be default squads or you 'register' a squad. But I do suggest that maybe people don't progress with their save outside of the tournament. Though saying that if everyone is allowed to progress then it isn't a problem.,. Actually, my Essex side isn't on-line. It was my Sussex side. But that can be easily solved.

Just keep giving input I think. A bit busy atm (babysitting nephews), so this afternoon/tonight I'll do some plans for the way we are going to do it. I'm happy with either default squads or progressed ones. All a bit of fun to me, I'm not fussed whether I win or not. Though my Essex side are quite good in ODs.
Excellent, I'm easy either way. I would love to use my Somerset side, they are pretty good but not unbeatable, and i have lost my last two games online with them. However I'm more than happy to use the Somerset default squad, although their bowling is cack. :D

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