ICC Online/Planet Cricket Cup Type Thingy?

We will be doing it. That is for sure. Need to decide on the format though.

I've updated the opening post. 9 interested as far as I can tell.

So how are we going to do it? Round Robin? So that would be 8 games. I think the format should be One Day games. Then the top 4 after those 8 games go into a Semi Final then the winners go into the final (obviously).

As there is no home advantage do we need to do Home and Away? I'm happy if people want to do that.
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Theres no real need for home and away matches in my opinion. It should be OD matches that we play as FC take way to long. I'd be happy with the tournament as you propose.
It would be nice if icc gave us the choice to do home and away matches, with the home side getting to chose a pitch to match their teams best eleven.
I'm keen as guys. Team is NORTHANTS.

I'm IPL_Stars online

I have set up a social group for us. I am about to set to work on organising this.

Entrance is closed as I am sorting out the fixtures list. I will then send a mass PM to those who have declared interest. Anyone failing to play a round will just concede the fixture. More to be announced later.
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:help i would like to compete too

my team is, surrey and online ID is surrey_11

I have sent out the PMs. If you haven't received it, let me know.

AL_Amin, at the moment there isn't any room for you. However, if someone pulls out then you can take their place.
I have sent out the PMs. If you haven't received it, let me know.

AL_Amin, at the moment there isn't any room for you. However, if someone pulls out then you can take their place.

oh, ok then i will wait until someone volunteer his/her place :hpraise
When is the Tournament starting and how can I register?
Registration are closed, but i can get you a place for a small lump sum, paid directly to me in British currency.

Meet me in the humour and jokes section in 5 minutes, and come alone. :spy

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