ICC Online/Planet Cricket Cup Type Thingy?

Matt, there is one space free if your up for it?

Vindi hasn't got back to us.
Lol interesting.

We are using default squads last i heard, in order to keep things relatively fair. So you may have to make a new account or whatever. This way we all get to start on day 1 with the default sqauds, no technique coaching and no regens.
I need to create a new account starting over with the Cidermen, ill be called Gas, The_Gas, or hopefully LexMuffMuncher.
What game you guys playing on? If it's ICC 06 then a shame I missed it, but it's probably a more recent version anyway...
ICC 08. Not sure if there are any places left Trev, there might be. Maximum of two places left minimum of one, Sureshot should be able to confirm when he comes on.
Good name. Ok, well Sureshot needs to add you to the social group, tables and fixtures. Should be ready to commence the first games on friday.
No, more than one person can pick a side, although it would be nice if people picked different sides.
Why am i 100-1 on 2 win
i will easily beat all of u

TomG added 2 Minutes and 8 Seconds later...

Do we have 2 use default squads?

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