immangi's face downloads

budy give me full pakistani face pack
anyway ur face pack is cool
which of the 2 in the 1st post is the unique file
How do I install them? Just unzip to the root directory or what? Help please
Karachi Express said:
hey buddy,great faces there!!!!Specially m yousuf n Afridi!!!!!(mods iz this type of english ok????The and i wrote"n")

lol, don't worry, man. As long as it's legible to all, no one cares what 'type' of english it is..
When I do that it tells me that Microsoft encoutered a problem. It doesn't work. Help please
kool faces mate . i will giv u reps for that

I want to try your pakistan face pack and other face packs for subcontinental player(whenever they do come)...but will the in game faces(that of aus,eng,sa and nz) be replaced? It happened to me in cricket 04 when i downloaded a face pack.
No, just pakistani faces, if u installed Burma's patch.

Not bad, My favorite is Mohammad Yousuf's face. Also, Salman's looks good. +Reps for u :)

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