Instructions on how to run crick sim using 64bit windows using dosbox

Hey guys, hate to bring up an old thread but in desperate need of help with the ODI part of CrickSim.

Essentially, I'm having exactly the same issue as Alexei in that every time I try to select a team in the ODI format, I get the same "Illegal Command" error code. This doesn't happen in Test, however, which works absolutely fine.

If anyone can help, I'd really appreciate it - I'm having the exact same issue on my Mac (using Boxer) and on my Windows PC (using DOSBOX), so hopefully the issue is because of my stupidity and has a simple fix. Thanks guys!
Hey guys, hate to bring up an old thread but in desperate need of help with the ODI part of CrickSim.

Essentially, I'm having exactly the same issue as Alexei in that every time I try to select a team in the ODI format, I get the same "Illegal Command" error code. This doesn't happen in Test, however, which works absolutely fine.

If anyone can help, I'd really appreciate it - I'm having the exact same issue on my Mac (using Boxer) and on my Windows PC (using DOSBOX), so hopefully the issue is because of my stupidity and has a simple fix. Thanks guys!
Test and One day teams files are different... If you don't have OD team saved than create one and try again...
I've just created two teams and I'm still getting the same error message. Any other ideas? Thanks
Your program is quitting on entering the match selection. Try downloading cricksim again.
Your program is quitting on entering the match selection. Try downloading cricksim again.

Just re-downloaded and unfortunately getting the same error message. It's strange that Test is working with absolutely no issues but One Day isn't at all. Anything else I could try?
Just re-downloaded and unfortunately getting the same error message. It's strange that Test is working with absolutely no issues but One Day isn't at all. Anything else I could try?
check your FLSSRC.TXT file... if it is blank, than add team file name manually and try it again...
Familiar with this problem, you have downloaded the wrong version. I'll send a screenshot of what you have to download
Any one tried Cricsim on your Android phone?... There is a app in play store called 'Magic DosBox', today i use this to sim a match, and it is easy to use and done simulation without any problems...
Only if I had enough storage. :p
Any one tried Cricsim on your Android phone?... There is a app in play store called 'Magic DosBox', today i use this to sim a match, and it is easy to use and done simulation without any problems...
Any iOS alternative?

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