Canada are a developing team, and as much as it pains me to say, they seem to have a better set up than USA at this current time.
By no means are they anywhere near full International standards, heck, i don't even think they're half of what Ireland/Scotland are but they are improving, with knowledge on how good pitches are laid, and how good cricket it play, they are ahead of China, but that will change as China are fast developing from border to border.
USA are starting to try to get interest with one acadamy i know in California, and ive been lucky enough to visit it, and with my cousins going the frequently i hear quite a lot. They have facilities any school-boy cricketer would be happy with, which is a decent set up. The main thing is, you have to get the game popular amoung the fans first before trying to improve the International scene, and with Football (American) Baseball, Basketball and Soccer all capturing the eyes of both Americans and Canadians its hard for Cricket to squeeze in, but amoung a good percentage of people its a well watched game.
Only time will tell if sides like Canada/USA improve enough to challange the likes of England (Maybe it'd be a truer statement to say a team like NZ or India

they could atleast get somewhere in the england tornuments because if they can almost beak england and newzeland than they can surely beat someone like durham.
As Andrew rightly said, these Canadian cricketers all will have jobs, and going away to England for 8 matches a year is going to seriously put strain on them. They'd probably be expected to pay for thier own ticket on the Plane, remember its all thier kit aswell so it'd be quiet expensive. It isn't possible for them to do what Ireland and Scotland do.
They do however have a series each year against USA and they have shown they have what it takes to qualify for the WC.