Internet Explorer 8 RC1 is finally the fastest browser

How will you rate your experience on using the IE 8 RC1.

  • Great! Fastest web browser.

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International Coach
Dec 28, 2006
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I am a Firefox and chrome user from last 6 months. I have recently downloaded the new Internet Explorer 8 RC1 which has many bugs fixed. On the first, I was shocked to see the speed of IE 8. So far, I thought Chrome is the fastest but I have to change my mind when IE 8 RC1 shocked me.

With the new advanced features in IE8 RC1, Microsoft has also decided to release it with Windows 7. I am now once again IE user. I'll recommend everyone to just try it out. I am sure you will like it and also its developer tools;).

I think that IE 8 is the fastest till now, then Chrome and then Firefox. I know its hard to believe for Firefox users but please try it out.
I am a Firefox and chrome user from last 6 months. I have recently downloaded the new Internet Explorer 8 RC1 which has many bugs fixed. On the first, I was shocked to see the speed of IE 8. So far, I thought Chrome is the fastest but I have to change my mind when IE 8 RC1 shocked me.

With the new advanced features in IE8 RC1, Microsoft has also decided to release it with Windows 7. I am now once again IE user. I'll recommend everyone to just try it out. I am sure you will like it and also its developer tools;).

I think that IE 8 is the fastest till now, then Chrome and then Firefox. I know its hard to believe for Firefox users but please try it out.

Is it more secure than Firefox?
Not bothered by the speed, I know firefox is slow to start but once it's up and running its fine. As Masterblaster says the security afforded me by firefox (and associated plugins) is far more important. The sheer volume of plugins for firefox even leaving security aside means a browser will have to be pretty damn fantastic to make me change. If only it could have penguins?
Firefox has always been slow to start up, all IE versions have been quicker than it. It's more about the add ons that firefox have.
Not bothered by the speed, I know firefox is slow to start but once it's up and running its fine. As Masterblaster says the security afforded me by firefox (and associated plugins) is far more important. The sheer volume of plugins for firefox even leaving security aside means a browser will have to be pretty damn fantastic to make me change. If only it could have penguins?

I wondered what the heck this post was about (the last sentence), until I saw your other thread :p
A browser is as secure as the person using it. If you are dumb enough with what things you click on the internet, any browser can be compromised. IE is no different in this matter, just the numbers don't help it. Most of the more technical people use Firefox, which means it is able to be perceived as more secure. If Netscape won the browser wars and IE was an optional download still, it would probably be the other way around.

With IE currently you have a majority of users who think IE is 'the internet' and open every attachment from all their emails. As such, easy targets, so of course hackers and similar people are going to target IE.

As for startup time, of course IE will be quicker, it is already half running when you boot windows (yes I know Microsoft say it isn't integrated as much so they can please the EU, if that was truly the case, uninstalling it wouldn't just delete an icon).

That all said, I use Firefox for the extensions and the way it handles RSS.
Not bothered by the speed, I know firefox is slow to start but once it's up and running its fine. As Masterblaster says the security afforded me by firefox (and associated plugins) is far more important. The sheer volume of plugins for firefox even leaving security aside means a browser will have to be pretty damn fantastic to make me change. If only it could have penguins?

That's actually reverse for me until the last 2 months. Firefox's updates were actually killing the time. I took me nearly an hour to open the browser quite often.

But Haven't tried out IE 8, sounds good. Maybe.
I read in an review online that technicians have claimed that IE is more secured than Firefox. I am not sure how true it is but the quick page recovery feature is fantastic.

All your data will be restored even if your IE will crash. It wasn't there in IE7.
I still hate it, still slow, still annoying. Don't like it, but the presentation of the browser is nice.

Firefox FTW
That's actually reverse for me until the last 2 months. Firefox's updates were actually killing the time. I took me nearly an hour to open the browser quite often.

But Haven't tried out IE 8, sounds good. Maybe.
Not an hour surely! I was talking about seconds. I don't think I could handle waiting an hour, I'd go crazy and probably end all my sentences with "penguins?"
I am using IE8 typing this post. I use IE7 at school and I quite like it, before I updated today I was using IE5, it was crap.
I dont use Firefox regularly... For me, IE is like my life. I cant be without it. Everytime I see people raving Firefox so much, I force myself to use Firefox but after 4-5 days (max of 7), I return back to the same old "IE".

IE ROCKS FOR ME!!!! ANd happy if the new version with greater speed comes out
I used IE8 on Windows 7 just to download Firefox. Haven't opened it since! But it is definitely an improvement over IE7 and a big one too. The jump list compatibility also helps. Hope it is integrated into the next firefox.

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