Inzaman is the best

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and to compare anybody in the world with great 'SIR DON BRADMAN' is crazy. Even a kid who knows little bit of cricket history,won't talk like this as Priyakant is today.
** Inzi's contribution is helping his team winning matches because of support which he is getting from other batsmen of his team.
**Pakistani bowlers are far better than W.I. bowlers and just a bit better than Ind bowlers and I reckon Pak win most of their matches because of their bowling.The spirit with which their bowlers bowl is commendable.
**If you give pak bowling to Ind or W.I. There won't be anybody in the world who can match Sachin,Lara or Dravid.Forget Inzi then,Sachin,Dravid and Lara are fitter than him.
**How on earth you can forget Ponting's contribution to world cricket.Just because there are 11 Aussies always giving their best all the time on and off the field and are close to Ponting's calibre?? Yes they are.
Take my words, Ponting has done exactly what Sachin,Lara,Inzi or Dravid have done for their teams.
------->>So please, Priyakant being a new member, please calm down,don't get to excited again and have some rest.
----->>I know people of your age,get too excited at times but I'm sure you will also mature (hope so....??) as the time go by.
Ever heard of people like Sachin Tendulkar, Brian lara, and Rahul Dravid...just to name a few?
FreddieFan said:
Inzy has certainly been in superb form against England, but I wouldn't go so far as saying he's the best in the world. Lack of physical fitness counts against him, he can't pick up singles as well as other top batsmen.
i agree that he is not in the peak fitness but he seems to startslowly and catch up, its defintily not a strength but not much of a weakness as you think..He calls very good runs.
Indiangod said:
oh my God. Have you taken a contract for inzi or something?
Dude...why do you think nobody is saying lara or sachin is far greater than bradman. For one thing, they are not; the other thing is that we wanna talk sense.

Inzi far greater than bradman...give me a break.
Man, your comments will only make people drift away from inzi. Even the ones who support inzi won't support you.

With each single innings of his, he is proving more and more that he IS definitely the third best of this time (though ponting will give him much competition). But to equal or beat what lara or sachin has done over the years, over the decade.......he needs another decade. Does he have that?

Off the top of my head, i think either imran or wasim has said inzi is equal to lara and sachin. I can't remember any more names. Can you help me? I would be especially thankful if you can mention some non-pakistani names.

Inzi might be joint third with ponting and dravid, thanks to his good match wining record. .Theres one thing I CAN say though, ponting has more match-winning centuries than inzi in fewer matches 8) .

Is someone off his radar over here? Inzi comparable to Dravid and Ponting? I think he is THE third best in the world right now. I may not go as far as to say that Inzi is better than Tendulkar or Lara because of some reasons....but I may confidently say that Inzi is miles ahead of the likes of Dravid and Ponting.

And what are you trying to prove about Ponting's centuries being matchwinning? Hello wake up dude, you are talking about the best side in the world today! It doesnt matter to them who scores a century or not. They win even when someone scores a century or not!
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I agree with Langer there.....He might not be the quickest runner between the wickets but is a real consisitent performer....a quiet performer with over 11000 runs in ODI and 8000 runs in test cricket. That to me is a great achievement for a middle order batsman who does'nt run that much :p .
UsmanCHADDA said:
Is someone off his radar over here? Inzi comparable to Dravid and Ponting? I think he is THE third best in the world right now. I may not go as far as to say that Inzi is better than Tendulkar or Lara because of some reasons....but I may confidently say that Inzi is miles ahead of the likes of Dravid and Ponting.
Dravid has been phenominal in his career, and seems to be going through an ordinary patch of batting right now, but I wouldn't say Inzi is miles ahead of him. But I do agree that Inzamam has to be the third best batsman of our era, after Lara and Sachin.

Hariz said:
I agree with Langer there.....He might not be the quickest runner between the wickets but is a real consisitent performer....a quiet performer with over 11000 runs in ODI and 8000 runs in test cricket. That to me is a great achievement for a middle order batsman who does'nt run that much :p .
Just think of all the runs he could've made if he ran like hell. Maybe we should put some cake on each end so he'll run faster. We can work out the kinks from that plan later. :p
nightprowler10 said:
For a guy who loves Inzamam this much should know how to spell his name. I love Inzamam and have a lot of respect for the big man, but to say that he is the greatest batsman of all time is just pure ignorance. He is definitely one of best of this era.

now that makes sense. He might go down as one of the greats to have played the game. There are lot of greats who have played the game, may be in the hundreds.

He is a quality player but he has not performed exceedingly well against Australia or in certain foreign places. But his talent and hard-work is something young cricketers must look up to.
Don't forget his cool head! :cool:
nightprowler10 said:
Just think of all the runs he could've made if he ran like hell. Maybe we should put some cake on each end so he'll run faster. We can work out the kinks from that plan later. :p

Its not a bad idea actually :D , just give the umpires some cakes in their hands and Inzi would break all sprint records :D Would be a good strategy for the 2007 WC.
cricket doctor said:
and to compare anybody in the world with great 'SIR DON BRADMAN' is crazy. Even a kid who knows little bit of cricket history,won't talk like this as Priyakant is today.
** Inzi's contribution is helping his team winning matches because of support which he is getting from other batsmen of his team.
**Pakistani bowlers are far better than W.I. bowlers and just a bit better than Ind bowlers and I reckon Pak win most of their matches because of their bowling.The spirit with which their bowlers bowl is commendable.
**If you give pak bowling to Ind or W.I. There won't be anybody in the world who can match Sachin,Lara or Dravid.Forget Inzi then,Sachin,Dravid and Lara are fitter than him.
**How on earth you can forget Ponting's contribution to world cricket.Just because there are 11 Aussies always giving their best all the time on and off the field and are close to Ponting's calibre?? Yes they are.
Take my words, Ponting has done exactly what Sachin,Lara,Inzi or Dravid have done for their teams.
------->>So please, Priyakant being a new member, please calm down,don't get to excited again and have some rest.
----->>I know people of your age,get too excited at times but I'm sure you will also mature (hope so....??) as the time go by.

Your right on the money mate.
Hariz said:
Its not a bad idea actually :D , just give the umpires some cakes in their hands and Inzi would break all sprint records :D Would be a good strategy for the 2007 WC.
Put mice in his pads. Elephants are always scared of mice... :p
That was a real biased post. Inzi the best in the world and the best ever? Dont think so mate. He wasn't even picked in the world 11 team. I dont believe his contribution to his team is any more than say Sachin, Lara, and Ponting.
Inzy is unfit, he is not a athletic fielder, and he dont run for quick singles.......this holds agaisnt him. Sachin and Lara are both ahead of him, Ponting maybe equal to Inzy.
Inzy needs to work out and make some big muscles :cool: Than he would be really fit and also he could impress the ladies at the sametime ;)

Big_Boss said:
Inzy needs to work out and make some big muscles :cool: Than he would be really fit and also he could impress the ladies at the sametime ;)

Sylvon%20Gardner%20-%20Most%20Muscular.jpg takes months to develop a body like that. U sure that guy aint taken steroids?
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