Jacko's downloads

heh, i can sympathise.

U at tafe or uni like me?

Or are you doin the dreaded TEE?

Good luck in any case.

no prob jack...take your time!! and good luck for your exams..anyway i'm trying the numbers myself..never done any b4 but i'm giving them a try!!
im working on a Australia A patch

ill wait until the aussie season starts so i can see the new aussie a kit

until then ill use the old Aussie a kit
do you use photoshop to make kits? if you do can you tell me how to make the shirt not look well straight, like how do i make those curves to show up on the shirt?
Originally posted by cheaterr@Nov 16 2003, 07:07 AM
do you use photoshop to make kits? if you do can you tell me how to make the shirt not look well straight, like how do i make those curves to show up on the shirt?
If you mean folds in the cloth you must use the layer blending option multiply. I've written about it in the kit format guide posted on the site in more detail.
vineet do you have msn? if you do then pm me your name, i need to talk to you
most of the people don't read the rules and guidelines so i think the font size should be increased(of the topic)
y? should it be increased, when i go into a forum i always read the rules...and same with others...we shouldnt take that stuff from them about "oh i didnt see it" Well then too bad....Also this guy has posted this twice

Andrew the first time should be a warning and the second time thye should be banned and this should only apply to guys with 10 less posts....

if u r a fairly senior member maybe a suspension or ban would do good

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