Jager Bombers - "It seemed like a good idea at the time!"

Hedger and Aussie Team might also object to being referred to as Kiwis. Mind you it's better than calling a Kiwi an Aussie.
Haha licking my lips at the sight of Kiwi batsmen. This should be a walk.

Yes, that should be a walk for you but not a cake walk, you would be feeling like walking on fire balls instead!
Glad he didn't referred to whole batting line-up otherwise Dipak (An Indian) and Zohaib too would have been called as Kiwis. :p
@The Rock - you've been dropped before the season has even started :D

I'll get my chance soon, very soon. Well, I'll enjoy my $100 bar tabs till then! :D

Well it'll depend on who's actually active and performing.

I dont think I am bad when it comes to being active. I've been active since I joined this site. Really!
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I reckon we make Barney a pure batsman, and then make RPHKR a bowling all-rounder, your thoughts?

With six bowling options in the line-up, we're going to have to play one keeper and four batsmen, so that means that we've only got one back-up for those five positions atm, while we've got four back-ups for the six bowling positions. (Going on Chewie's squad)

We don't really need three pure all-rounders as well, considering only one or two are only ever going to play, and without a bowling all-rounder atm, it would make a lot more sense if RPHKR changed to one which is what I originally said he should sign up as.

Not really sure on Barney, maybe just wait and see what our last two sign ups are, either way we really need another batsmen, at least one bowling all-rounder, and possibly another keeper.


Anyway, I've VMed RPHKR asking him if he can change to a bowling all-rounder, because that way he's more likely to get game time.
Glad he didn't referred to whole batting line-up otherwise Dipak (An Indian) and Zohaib too would have been called as Kiwis. :p

You should view it as a prestigious honour.

Not really sure on Barney, maybe just wait and see what our last two sign ups are, either way we really need another batsmen, at least one bowling all-rounder, and possibly another keeper.

Maybe if we can't find a keeper, just ask one of the batsmen if they want to be a part-time keeper. Not sure if that will affect the ratings they get.
We should be able to pick up one or two randoms in the draft anyway, if we're still in need of a couple of players.
The way cricsim works, we'd want one batting all-rounder in the top 6, a normal all-rounder at 7 and a bowling all-rounder at 8 probably.

But yea, I agree with seeing what we get as our last players before deciding what Barney is. To keep it realistic though, he won't be able to bowl any faster than medium pace if he's a bowler :p

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