Kevin Pietersen - Peter Moores Relationship

Peter Moores - yay or nay

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I'm more worried about the shape of the graph. Someone here needs a crash course in maths...
So are you saying the captain should always get his way with selection and always have the team he wants?

Maybe cricket has no use for selectors, maybe we should just send the captain to each and every county game on scouting missions during any free time he has available.

Vaughan's form did not warrant selection, and he is old and unfit.

KP is an idiot, I am not surprised there is a rift involving him, he is both stupid and full of himself.

Moores may be guilty of playing favourites (Wright was a dreadful pick), but why blame him for the selection panel's failings?

Surely selectors have some control over selecting teams.

No, but I captain cannot have a final team picked and selected in the presents of the coach and the selectors and himself, then as soon as he goes on holiday have that team changed without his imput. That's going behind his back and sets a precedent that he isn't totally involved in selection.
Commentators from 9 were saying it's got to a stage where it is either KP or Moore. Never thought I would see the day where a player could get a coach sacked but I can't see them releasing KP.
I hope Moores is forced out, i was never happy with his appointment.
Gower's under the impression that Moores won't make it to the Windies. We'll need to get a new coach sorted quickly as well, we don't want to go into the Ashes with uncertainty about who's going to be coaching us. This isn't really what we needed in the build up to the biggest series in a long time.
I will do the job for a small fee. I am going to email the ECB an impassioned application stating it's time they gave the fans a chance and if I turned out rubbish the fans could stop being so harsh. Or something along those lines, I'll email them my ICC 06 credentials, my playing career and how well I have done in other sports such as football where I dominated as manager of Manchester United and got QPR into the champions league, before they were mega millionaires. I'm sure the good members of PC would reference me as the man to lead England into the Ashes.

Until then however I will respect Peter Moores despite his seemingly inevitable departure. Perhaps a distant second choice behind me would be someone from the county game but realistically It should be me.
I promise to tell the selectors that players like Trott, Key etc do exist.

Weirdly in all this every ex cricketer in the UK seems to have offered their opinions but we haven't heard anything from KP or Moores yet. It's pointless because we know Moores will go, just when is the question, whilst KP is captain and will not be going anywhere.
I'll second your nomination foxy. Go out there and show the ECB how it's done! For the pride of PlanetCricket!
Well if KP's good enough to get the boss sacked, I hope he is good enough to win some series for England too!;)
Cricinfo believe it's Pietersen, not Moores who could lose his job. KP's really bollocksed this one up! Bet he won't get dropped though ;)
Cricinfo Article:

In a surprise development, the ECB have called an emergency board meeting to discuss the rift between Kevin Pietersen and Peter Moores.

Cricinfo understands that the 12-man board met by teleconference on Tuesday night, raising the possibility that Pietersen, who had not been due back from his holiday in Africa until Thursday, may pay the price for his outspoken views on the future direction of the England team.

Research conducted by the ECB in the last few days suggests that Pietersen does not have the steadfast support of his team-mates or the back-room staff. The majority of the England support staff are understood to be supportive of Moores while most of the players are underwhelmed by Pietersen's dramatic intervention, as Steve Harmison demonstrated with his ambivalent comments on Tuesday.
Yeah well I don't Harmy's a fan anyway but I never underestimate the ability of national sport administrators to find new and original ways of shooting themselves in the feet.

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