KFC Chicken Sandwich

Not really man, i had 27 years of junk food, my body had enough. Last 5 years have been fantastic.

All you guys who love KFC etc, get back to me when youre 30......

Rob, you could be a veggie and still gorge on a lot of junk food here in India. We have liquid cheese oozing out of vegetarian pizzas and don`t even get us started about the variety of roadside junk which you could get in India.
I don`t think there is any dearth of junk food options in India, even for a veggie, and that is a huge temptation to fight off. :D
Rob, you could be a veggie and still gorge on a lot of junk food here in India. We have liquid cheese oozing out of vegetarian pizzas and don`t even get us started about the variety of roadside junk which you could get in India.
I don`t think there is any dearth of junk food options in India, even for a veggie, and that is a huge temptation to fight off. :D

Harsh! Junk food is everywhere here too, though obviously not anywhere near the scale it is in India. I'm at that stage where i know that even if i'm mighty hungry and junk food might seem a good idea, i just know I wont feel good afterwards and its not worth it. Thats one other thing- i can spend $20 at KFC and not feel full, yet a healthy meal fills me up. The junk food certainly has a more negative effect the older you get.
Agree with Rob here, once my metabolism slowed at around 23-24 fast food started making me feel lethargic and sleepy.

I try to stay away as much as possible but the lure of quick and cheap meals can sometimes be too much.
Even though I hate how I feel 2 hours after eating KFC/McD etc, if i'm hungry and i'm driving past a fast food joint I have to try REALLY hard to talk myself out of it, every time, even though I know it will only be nice for a short period while i'm eating it. But then I go home and i'm thankful I resisted and can get on with things. Nothing worse for me than saying to my kids I cant go and run around and or play cricket because ive had KFC or Red Rooster and I want to sleep, the quality of food that it is just isnt worth it. I want to feel good and energetic all day.
True. But tbf my spelling and grammar was terrible when I was 12 and on here so it was probably just a misspelt word... :p
Hey, does anyone know "original" recipes from fastfoods? I only came across this one for homemade hamburgers, but as you see, it is just what it says - a homemade hamburgers, which has very little to do with original fastfoods like mcD etc... If you know any (hamburgers or sandwiches preferred) I'd be very grateful.

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