KFC Chicken Sandwich

It is the the thinking of people like Cricketman, which tell us why India cannot produce a proper fast bowler.

No offense, but IMO meat is necessarily for muscle building. No way around it.

Also I enjoy my time on the crapper. I can check e-mails on my phone, reply to e-mails, check cricket scores, read the news - I mean where else do you find the calm serenity to do this?
I'm blaming the KFC I had last night for the fact that my stomach has now turned to liquid and I have spent most the night emptying it. Like Insomniac said though, I did go through all the old texts from an ex on my phone and delete them so at least it was productive ;)

But yeah, god I'm staying clear of KFC it was pretty rank, McD all the way. But I could never not eat meat, I don't even know if it is scientific but I would just feel like my muscle would waste away and I'd be a stick of a person :laugh Plus it apparently makes your dick bigger, so that's why Indian's need those smaller condoms That's a joke for the record ;-)

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