KFC Chicken Sandwich

@Blake: Nah, parents aren't chefs. But my Mum's still prety good at cooking.
Are your parents chefs?

Sure, I love steak and salmon and pasta but I also love fish and chips, pizza, Chinese, Subway or McD/KFC/HJ..

Takeaways ftw.

Matt, how tall are you?

I don't know how tall I am, but it's shorter then the heights mentioned in here from the other guys.
I can understand why Rohit is veggie (religious reasons) but why the hell are you veggie Robelinda?

Veggie by choice just boggles the mind.
^^You guys (Cricketman and Roebelinda) are seriously missing out.

Why on earth would I want to put a dead carcass in my mouth?

Especially the way they kill those poor animals...disgusting. That and the fact that I have been raised this way and it is ethically and morally wrong to do so...

But I'm not one of those annoying veggies that try to push it in everyones face... just don't shove it down mine :). Whatever floats your boat!
Why on earth would I want to put a dead carcass in my mouth?

Especially the way they kill those poor animals...disgusting. That and the fact that I have been raised this way and it is ethically and morally wrong to do so...

But I'm not one of those annoying veggies that try to push it in everyones face... just don't shove it down mine
:). Whatever floats your boat!

Massive respect for that comment. I simply cannot stand those who push THEIR beliefs down MY throat, because people like that aren't worth my time.

I see where you come from with your beliefs/choices, its your life, live it the way you wanna. I like the fact that regardless of your beliefs, you're open minded enough to allow others to live theirs. :)
I disagree with the idea thats being floated around that meat is junk food or bad for you. Poultry is just fine and red meat in moderation is good. humans are omnivores so to not eat meat is unnatural.
I disagree with the idea thats being floated around that meat is junk food or bad for you. Poultry is just fine and red meat in moderation is good. humans are omnivores so to not eat meat is unnatural.

Debatable. Its tougher on the body to digest/break down meat (why some of my friends are on the crapper for such a longass time) and looking at our teeth and such, they aren't optimal for tearing into flesh.
You can't just cherry pick one fact (teeth) and base assumptions on that. We do have canine teeth as well for flesh. Our stomach acids break down and digest meat with no problem at all (time on the John is laughably irrelevant). If we were not meant to be able to eat meat we would not be able to digest it, like grass.
You can't just cherry pick one fact (teeth) and base assumptions on that. We do have canine teeth as well for flesh. Our stomach acids break down and digest meat with no problem at all (time on the John is laughably irrelevant). If we were not meant to be able to eat meat we would not be able to digest it, like grass.

Plus, without meat, our brains would not be as large as they are now.
You can't just cherry pick one fact (teeth) and base assumptions on that. We do have canine teeth as well for flesh. Our stomach acids break down and digest meat with no problem at all (time on the John is laughably irrelevant). If we were not meant to be able to eat meat we would not be able to digest it, like grass.

The time on the toilet was lighthearted.

However, I did find something quite interesting:
Cardiologist William C. Roberts hails from the famed cattle state of Texas, but he says this without hesitation: Humans aren't physiologically designed to eat meat. "I think the evidence is pretty clear. If you look at various characteristics of carnivores versus herbivores, it doesn't take a genius to see where humans line up," says Roberts, editor in chief of The American Journal of Cardiology and medical director of the Baylor Heart and Vascular Institute at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas. ? Stephen Kroninger

Were Humans Meant to Eat Meat?

Anyways, it's all up to personal preference. For me, Vegetarianism just seems right - I don't look at meat and think of it as food at all. I cringe everytime I have to walk past the meat isle at grocery stores, I just can't stand it. I think that even if I was born as a non-veg I would become a veggie anyways... just seems like the right thing to do for me. Plus I'm a sappy tree-hugger :p (Ignore the Jeep that I drive :spy).

On a slightly unrelated note, one time in second grade, we had a pizza party in school and the pepperoni was under the cheese. I took a bite unknowingly, and it came right out (I didn't know there was meat in there). My body simply rejected it. I guess if you don't eat meat, you CAN'T.

Cricketman added 4 Minutes and 12 Seconds later...

Plus, without meat, our brains would not be as large as they are now.

What? Explain. Makes no sense as most of the stuff the brain 'feeds' off are from vitamins, found in fruits and veggies. Meat is the premier supplier for muscle growth (protein) but doesn't have anything to do with the size/capacity of a human brain...that is if my Anatomy & Physiology class is to be believed.
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Well at least you are not eating meat because of taste and not some bullshit "meat is murder" hippy reason.

If you don't like the taste/texture then I can understand.

EDIT: that pepporoni story is hilarious, once had a Jewish guy in my highschool freak out because he took a bite out of a ham sandwich thinking it was turkey. From his reaction you would have thought it was the end of the world.
What? Explain. Makes no sense as most of the stuff the brain 'feeds' off are from vitamins, found in fruits and veggies. Meat is the premier supplier for muscle growth (protein) but doesn't have anything to do with the size/capacity of a human brain...that is if my Anatomy & Physiology class is to be believed.

Human evolution, yo.

Eating meat increases supply of protein, fat and energy, making larger brain growth possible. Hunting and killing prey on savannas is more difficult than gathering plant foods, so natural selection might have favored larger brains with greater intelligence.

Really has nothing to do with the KFC sandwich but anyways...
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