KFC Chicken Sandwich

add 10-20 pounds to all the weights given here for accuracy

edit: lol neg rep for the post, looks like I touched a nerve, well put down the chocolate and go for a jog you fatty. I bet you're disgustingly obese whoever you are. Gross
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Only in America I guess?

Had a KFC Boneless Bucket with my nephew, best mate and his family tonight (while watching Barca crash out of the CL :D ) - great value - and no sign of that 'Double Digusting' on the menu - I don't think it's available in England. I wonder why...

MasterBlaster76 added 2 Minutes and 49 Seconds later...

Greasy fingers!

I love KFC though, they make the best chips imo.

Maybe in Australia, but not over here - they're fairly dire. Now, BK's chips - they're a different story.
53kg, 168cm. I'm just slightly underweight :)
Well after spending a few years being overweight, being underweight now feels awesome. I am too thin though, 5 kilo's I need to put on.
At the time of the lost weight, a little loose skin, but that was like 8 years ago now, and everything is fine now. Only spent maybe 3 years overweight, I went from 50's to 100kgs really quickly with my junk food diet, and had to work my ass off to get back down.
Hush hush, sexy eyes ;)

Nope. Leave those sweet nothings for your hairy male dates as they plug you. Sometimes they'll throw you 20 bucks afterwards for taxi fare.

People who talk themselves up like you do usually turn out to be (1) abused by a relative, (2) didn't get enough attention from mummy and daddy or (3) have a sexual identity crisis. I'd say yours is a mix of (1) and (3).

We've all seen your photo, mate. You're not good-looking at all. You look more like a butch dyke.

Now take your bragging elsewhere, child.
Nope. Leave those sweet nothings for your hairy male dates as they plug you. Sometimes they'll throw you 20 bucks afterwards for taxi fare.

People who talk themselves up like you do usually turn out to be (1) abused by a relative, (2) didn't get enough attention from mummy and daddy or (3) have a sexual identity crisis. I'd say yours is a mix of (1) and (3).

We've all seen your photo, mate. You're not good-looking at all. You look more like a butch dyke.

Now take your bragging elsewhere, child.

Alright calm down mate, I was just mucking around, you have serious anger issues anyway, you're always throwing hissy fits.

It's alright to be jealous but being bitter....:noway I'm not going to be personal and insult you, cause frankly I'm above that and stopped doing that a few years ago, maybe you should try growing up as well, even if you consider me the "child". But anyway, I'm going to banter around with people like treva and Ollie as I have known them on this forum for nearly 4 years and we've all joked around with this sort of stuff, maybe you would be better off not constantly sticking your nose in and feeling we all have to hear your opinions (which are either limited to bashing religion or whinging about a silly cricket game in the AC'09 forums) Seriously, it's getting a bit sickening because no one really gives a damn about someone who is so angry inside with their life (only you can sort those issues out mate :)). So grow up pal and stop acting like a douche over the internet. It doesn't make you a better person.
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Read the last three posts.
Then I checked the thread title, I was amazed to see which thread I was in. Had a wee chuckle tbh :D
Who'd know KFC chicken sandwich could get so heated

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