KFC Chicken Sandwich


You scare the living day lights out of me :p

Gazza added 3 Minutes and 18 Seconds later...

51kg! An all new high!
I'm 15 years old, 184cm and 50kg
They just said on the news that Justin Bieber fella is 160-somthing cm tall and 48kg. Your way taller and not much heavier, are you sure thats right? If so then you'll probably fill out a bit in the next year or so beacause that Bieber dude is tiny!
Well known fact that :laugh

I seriously find it hard to believe that someone over 6ft can only weigh 50kg, Scales must be broken. Thats my final conclusion. Or maybe 50kg is more than I think...
I'm 179cm and 51 kg. Twig.

And I'm an acid salivating dingbat horse.

I'm completely serious about my measurements though lol. Shoe size 12, and pretty big hands too. I'm a stick though, of course.

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