KFC Chicken Sandwich

Nah, not one of tastes. A couple of KFC's items suck TBH.

Having said that, I love Zinger, Hot-wings, Original Recipe Chicken, and Boneless Chicken Strips. :D
Greasy fingers!

I love KFC though, they make the best chips imo.

Really? I would say Burger King chips were top of the pile, with McD's closely next. KFC chips are the worst of the lot, but I'm going off experiences in the UK and USA, haven't tried any other countries.
Piss off , you lot eat just as much KFC and garbage as we do.

Australia is full of fat people as well from what I have heard.

Yeah, I thought we were the fattest Country on average now! Take that America! :p

Biggy added 0 Minutes and 34 Seconds later...

I would tap that with my mouth.

What a quote.
Don't know how they can drink so much, our large is more than enough. Wendy large is probably on par with theirs but they put a hell of a lot of ice, which works out for me since I gain bearly finish it.

Not to mention unlimited refills in the USA. I'm usually happy with a small/regular. Large is alright here, but in the USA, it's pretty hard to finish.

I would tap that with my mouth.

Brilliant. :laugh

Really? I would say Burger King chips were top of the pile, with McD's closely next. KFC chips are the worst of the lot, but I'm going off experiences in the UK and USA, haven't tried any other countries.

Yeah, over here McD's fries are the best, with BK a close second. KFC fries over here are horrible. The only reason to go to KFC here is the Matafee, not including the normal stuff you get everywhere. Awesome sandwich, spicy + cheese.

The Chicken Sandwich would not be my sorta thing though...doesn't look appealing to me at all.
Nah, my vote goes to KFC/RR. Fat chips and chicken salt all the way.

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