An international cricketer, even one from Bangladesh should be able to preform well even if they have been dropped, how else are they going to prove worth to selectors?
Lets hope this is just a one off for Mash, because I do like him.
^^^ yea thats true, but those werent my excuse. those are more like the things that happened that made todays results. more like true facts...
do you guys think i, we dont feel bad that he went for 58? went for 26 on the last over, undoing the previous 2 good overs, 1 from himself. he could have been the hero here. he could have broken the losing strick for KKR and cheer up all the KKR fans + fans back home. he could have showed Bhoka that not taking him all that time was a mistake. could have helped SRK to rethink about keeping Bhoka as the coach. and most of all do a little justice to himself. but we cant really blame him, its not tottaly his fault. its b/c ... (and that takes me back to my previous post)
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