Laziest thing you've ever done


Executive member
Nov 8, 2004
Madhouse on Madison
Online Cricket Games Owned
  1. Don Bradman Cricket 14 - PS3
Well I was cleaning out the back up fridge in the basement that I've been meaning to clean for the past few months and I realized what a lazy [expletives] I am. This certainly goes down as one of the laziest things I've ever done. What's yours?

P.S: To emphasize why this prompted me to start a thread, the following picture is of something that used to be some sort of a vegetable I bought from the local grocery store.

:eek: Yuck.

Iam lazy all the time. If Iam lying down in bed and I can't be stuffed getting myself a drink I will shout out to my sister to get me one (Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt;)).
I once text my mum to bring me a drink upstairs as i couldnt be bothered to get one from downstairs...
when i was in a cricket match. i was fielding at fine leg and the ball came near to me (about 2 metres away) and i couldnt be bothered to get it so i waited for square leg to get, gosh i got some stick in the pavillion after..

well i was ticked off a bit because catches were dropped twice of my bowling....

...and they were dollies.
You kids call that being lazy? You all have a lot to learn, except maybe duded64, he seems to be on the right path. And leggie, that's not laziness, that's just pouting! :p
Got my cat to lick up some coke I spilt, when I was holding a mop at the time.
Plenty of times i've eaten the last bag of crisps out of a multipack but still left the empty multipack bag in the cupboard.
Matt, that's not lazy that's perfectly normal.
When I was a student I used to sometimes pee in a jar & chuck it onto next door's garden 'cos I couldn't be bothered to walk downstairs to the loo.
I used to pee in the bin as I couldn't be bothered to walk upstairs.

I left my iPod at school over the holidays as I couldn't be assed to go and retrieve it.

I sometimes shout to my brother downstairs to switch off my bedroom light just feet away from me.
Probably mine would be sleeping for two days, in all fairness id been camping for 5 days and not slept at all.

As far as a lazy act, i reckon it'd have the be the old, MOM, get me a drink, once or twice that worked, the rest i got a two word answered, the word im allowed to say is; off. Guess the first one ;)

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