Liposuction rules Akhtar out

Accuracy > Speed

Certainly, thats why G McGrath is one of the best bowler of all time and the best bowler for last 10-12 years. But still I feel, Akhtar can bowl 'close to 150' if he gets chance (with his normal run-up)
Shoaib is world's fastest bowler,but a fast ball is not enough,even batsman now love to play such a fast bowler because it is easy to play a simple fast bowl then a moving slow one(relative to Akhtar pace)
How far Shoaib played its enough I think,what more you could expect from a player who should play in the team of disable one,you all know that doctors told him that he would not be able to run even.
Still by looking stats,he is a fearless bowler.
I always love his and Sachin's rivalry,He most of the time win Sachin's wicket.
It will be a miracle if Shoaib be able to generate superb pace+Accuracy now.
Shoaib was a great talent. The guy sadly couldnt keep his head in place. With such a mind, he can never be a legend and thats how he has ended up to be. Akthar can never be called a legend. He was a superb talent that was mostly wasted.
He was great at his peak and he was probably the most feared bowler imo. He could destroy your batting lineup in a few overs. These days hes a shadow of his former self, he should have retired earlier as these latest stints are dragging down his career.
If only he could bowl like this time and again. I wouldn't like to have been Ricky Ponting...

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I've never seen that footage before, kind of makes me wish Akhtar was that young and bowling that fast when I started watching cricket. Would love to watch someone like that all day.
I would rather eat my own ████ than face Akhtar back in the day.

Too bad he's a clown now, retire now.
for me he was a miracle,how many time you will see a bowler who has all dislocated joints.:eek:
A very good video, thanks...He was very fast and dangerous...
Its seemingly a sad end to potentially brilliant career gone wrong :facepalm
When he was fit, Pakistan could defend any score. Thankfully we have new breed of young fast bowlers who can fill in his shoes (I hope in the right way).

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