To answer the questions about retaining players.
Retention lists
I'll want retention lists at the end of the trading window, so next Wednesday/Thursday (if I can confirm sign ups sooner I'll think about moving the schedule forward but I don't think that'll happen). If you don't want to trade any players you can skip straight to submitting the players you want to keep. Just post in this thread the players you are keeping, tag me or PM the list of players to me. If you do that you won't be able to trade and the released players go into the draft pool.

Retention lists
I'll want retention lists at the end of the trading window, so next Wednesday/Thursday (if I can confirm sign ups sooner I'll think about moving the schedule forward but I don't think that'll happen). If you don't want to trade any players you can skip straight to submitting the players you want to keep. Just post in this thread the players you are keeping, tag me or PM the list of players to me. If you do that you won't be able to trade and the released players go into the draft pool.
- Each team can retain a maximum of 7 players.
- You must retain at least 1 player to be your captain (you can change captain whenever you want, it's symbolic at this stage). So that means you can retain 1 to 7 players.
- For players you release you will receive the value you paid back into your budget for the draft. So, if you were foolish enough to spend W$T 120 on Jack Leach, you could release him and you will get W$T 120 into your budget for the draft.
- If you've sold or traded players your budget will be updated according to that players original sale price (or the value you sold them for). So if Team A traded Pujara (W$T 110) for Kohli (W$T 98) their budget would deduct 98 not 110.