London 2012 Olympics

Apparently, China are determined to win all the medals in the future. Arrogant twats. Have you seen how they train their kids? I saw on the news some kid or other doing a handstand - she was almost crying, but did her coach let her get down?

I hope the USA overtake China in the medal table now.

is this a new bit of news? from what I've read the chinese have gone back to their standard olympic preperation (they prepared for 8 years for beijing but said that was a one off) and sent a smaller team than germany, australia, america, russia and the USA. doesn't sound like they were all out for total domination yet.

I dunno, I'm wary of these things. I've heard really positive things about the training in china, they make sport accessible to all kids and provide them with great facilities. could be wrong but it's also easy to take things out of context, america's swimming coaches were sexually abusing kids then covering it up. I think that's worse but it doesn't mean all american coaches are child abusers.
Does mean they're all American though... and that's surely worse :p
Has anyone bought the London 2012 game? Worth buying?

Edit: The only thing missing from these Games is a strong showing by Team GB in a sprint event. The 4x400m guys are in the final. :)


is this a new bit of news? from what I've read the chinese have gone back to their standard olympic preperation (they prepared for 8 years for beijing but said that was a one off) and sent a smaller team than germany, australia, america, russia and the USA. doesn't sound like they were all out for total domination yet.

I dunno, I'm wary of these things. I've heard really positive things about the training in china, they make sport accessible to all kids and provide them with great facilities. could be wrong but it's also easy to take things out of context, america's swimming coaches were sexually abusing kids then covering it up. I think that's worse but it doesn't mean all american coaches are child abusers.

Either way, to state you're going to win all the medals going is arrogance beyond belief.
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Or just confidence... Something we're not particularly keen on in the UK :p
Usain Bolt like a bullet .
Bolt's post-race celebration so far has been far more entertaining than the race itself. Kudos to Jamaica on the sweep, and good push by Weir and Blake-o-saurus
Absolutely fantastic from Rudisha, completely destroyed the rest of the field.
Or just confidence... Something we're not particularly keen on in the UK :p

There's confidence, there's overconfidence and there's arrogance. Saying you're going to win every single medal going is arrogance - not to mention bloody disrespectful to all the other nations of the world. ;) Let's take Usain Bolt for a second - they're going to produce people to stand up to him, or his up and coming fellow Jamaicans? Good luck with that.
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So they should come out and say they're not going to aim for being the best at everything? Pretty admirable to aim for the top really.
But to say they're going to win every single medal going? That's not admirable, that's arrogance beyond belief and anyone who thinks otherwise - well, I'll never understand that. To say you're going to win the Olympics - yes, that's a statement. To say you're going to win all the Golds, that's pushing it, but to say you're going to win every single medal? That's arrogant, not to mention extremely insulting to other athletes.

Oh look - another Gold for Britain - in the Taekwondo, against a Chinese competitor. Fancy that. :p
reckon overall medal count is safe.

still worried about gold, hopefully there are no fast chinamen this year
Oh look - another Gold for Britain - in the Taekwondo, against a Chinese competitor. Fancy that. :p

and her coach said she was breaking down in tears almost every day. I think people just try and put a harsh spin on it when it's something new they don't like. all these athletes train to the limit, laura trott said when she was training that even her teeth hurt and she'd taste blood in her mouth, that's incredibly intense. yet when a chinese person does it it's because they're being bullied into it? can't they just be dedicated athletes?

there probably are unsavoury aspects, but I'd reckon it sits somewhere in the middle and it's not that much different to a lot of countries.

we're getting an earfull from france as they're convinced we must be cheating to win by so much in the cycling, without any evidence that's a pile of rubbish. kinda rubbish when teams start bitching about each other.

reckon overall medal count is safe.

still worried about gold, hopefully there are no fast chinamen this year

despite what I said earlier, I think you're going to do it. you're surely odds on for a lot of the team medals that will come in on the last day?

I think tomorrow is quite a quiet day, everything goes mental at the weekend.
I've probably made this point already but the only thing fixed about the cycling was the appalling decision to only allow one athlete per country per event. Ridiculous. Imagine doing that with the 100m final comprising 3 Jamaicans, 3 Americans and 2 others.
is this a new bit of news? from what I've read the chinese have gone back to their standard olympic preperation (they prepared for 8 years for beijing but said that was a one off) and sent a smaller team than germany, australia, america, russia and the USA. doesn't sound like they were all out for total domination yet.
News of China's heavy-handed "teaching" techniques have been around for ages, including now. It's up to you if you find that "unsavoury" or not, but compared to "a lot of other countries", I have never seen or heard of training like that.

The 4 by 4 relay heats were aboslutely brutal, but Mitchell's a hell of a runner. I'm guessing though that that lineup wasn't meant to be USA'a lineup for the final, so they can still meddle with their relay pool. And how exactly did RSA got put back again? From what I saw, their second leg runner just ran into the Kenyan runner who tried to cut into the inside lane - and they both wiped out.

reckon overall medal count is safe.

still worried about gold, hopefully there are no fast chinamen this year

No medal-winning performance from any of the events or heats I've seen on the track. Not likely to change that methink.
Either way, to state you're going to win all the medals going is arrogance beyond belief.

I'm pretty sure winning gold, silver, bronze in every event (esp. team ones) is impossible, but ambition is always good. Without it, you end up with a pathetic medal count like ours (Canada).
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