London 2012 Olympics

Your missus is one hell of a lucky lady. 9 inches and ****s confectionary. Word of advice, stay away from pretzels. Was to be my downfall.
Here's a question I've had for some time now, and had just gotten worse with this Olympics due to myself not realizing the answer.

How exactly do they show those virtual cards of name+countries of athletes in their respective lanes of the pool and track (800m or down I guess, although you do merge on the 800m) on Tv?
They're painted on with a special easy to wipe paint. If you look carefully in the background youll see them all with big brushes. Those people with giant sweeping brushes come along and remove the markings afterwards.

Its a pretty slick operation.
Michael Phelps Retired :(
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Well Adams got beaten pretty easily this morning in the Women's Shot Put, so we're not looking that good for anymore Golds. We've still got the Men's Triathlon, Sailing, Women's BMX, Women's Hockey, Kayaking, and the Men's 1500m, but they're all really only outside chances for Gold. At least after tomorrow we will have already equaled our Beijing tally, with a few medal chances still remaining.

We're in gold medal position in one of the sailing competitions but I don't think it's much
They're painted on with a special easy to wipe paint. If you look carefully in the background youll see them all with big brushes. Those people with giant sweeping brushes come along and remove the markings afterwards.

Its a pretty slick operation.

Well I was hoping for a bit more serious answer, but that made me laugh - so I'll settle :yes
Did you guys hear that some waste-of-space has vandalised Jessica Ennis' Gold postbox? Someone on Yahoo has the right idea: make 'em do forty Heptathlons, one after the other! My little touch would be to have a crowd pelt them with rotten fruit (and other less squishy objects) throughout!

What a loser - never gonna do anything with their life, so they have to do this kind of thing. :rolleyes
I'm sure she'll live more than content with her actual gold medals and memories of winning it in front of 80,000 fans screaming her name.
I'm sure she'll live more than content with her actual gold medals and memories of winning it in front of 80,000 fans screaming her name.

Of course she will - but to vandalise a symbol of such a great victory is a disgrace. Of course, people like that would probably vandalise anything - they're probably the sort of people who would also vandalise gravestones.

Has anyone here seen a golden postbox sprout up in their hometown? :)
People vandalise statues of Churchill (which was somewhat more disgusting) but the reality is Ennis didn't win gold for a postbox, Churchill didn't lead this country for a statue. People can be scum, as one day they'll have to look in a mirror and finally see their real reflection.
Dipak's words seem to be turning true. Vijender lost his bout last night and today 5 time world champion Mary Kom lost her bout (he won bronze though). Devendro is a good boxer who has his bout tonight but I won't be surprised if the young man ends up on the losing side. Luka makes it to the semis of 800m race but I don't think she will make it to the final. Now, all the hope will be on World champion wrestler Sushil Kumar.
People vandalise statues of Churchill (which was somewhat more disgusting) but the reality is Ennis didn't win gold for a postbox, Churchill didn't lead this country for a statue. People can be scum, as one day they'll have to look in a mirror and finally see their real reflection.

100% agreed.
The showers of gold are flowing heavily now. Up to 6 for the Aussies, sitting in a very impressive 10th place overall. Not bad for a lone country representing around 20 million people. Sure puts those countries with 200m-1b to shame.
Ok, Masterblaster, you made it sound like it was something horrible... the defacing/graffiti was someone writing "GO JESS" on it :lol

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