London 2012 Olympics

We do not recognise your medal table. IOC sorts by golds rather than total medals and we're quite happy to do the same. You beat China either way.
bit old.

murray could have won two golds as well but stupidly teamed up with one of those silver hungry aussies in the mixed.

This needed to be posted. What a funny video, from a bunch of fun loving, happy go lucky heroes/heroines! True sportsmen/women, and the role models kids should be looking up to!

@Stinky: Vicky P, not that long ago, as far as I know:



When I said model, I didn't mean like one who prounces up and down the catwalk. More photography work - as you can see from the piccies and the video, she's very comfortable in front of the camera. ;)


NZ just picked up another medal today after the belarussian shot putter got stripped for doping.

Hmm. I still don't really understand the situation with the Algerian who was DQ'ed and then reinstated, winning Gold.
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She could embark upon a new career as a model if she so wishes. ;)

What for ski masks or socks??

Admittedly in the pics below she looks hot but without make up,,

Body off baywatch

Face off crime watch

Rotten without airbrush, still worth a poke I suppose
What for ski masks or socks??

Admittedly in the pics below she looks hot but without make up,,

Body off baywatch

Face off crime watch

Rotten without airbrush, still worth a poke I suppose

You could say that about a lot of girls though.

And we're gonna have to agree to disagree about her face - were you talking about how she looked in the vid, or after her races? No one's gonna look their best after effort like that. ;)
Probably just my high standards to be fair, I can find fault in almost anything even Cheryl Cole,, she's a Geordie ...
Maybe I'm a tweaking weirdo but Pendleton looks better without make up. I'm pretty antimakeup though.

Ps. That doesn't mean I'm a drag act called Aunty Makeup. Not in public anyway.
Maybe I'm a kerplucking weirdo but Pendleton looks better without make up. I'm pretty antimakeup though.

as long as you don't say Beth Tweddle the gymnast is ok then I can forgive Pendleton

Beth Tweddle could eat an apple through a tennis raquet
Hmm. I still don't really understand the situation with the Algerian who was DQ'ed and then reinstated, winning Gold.

ok, this is what I understand as having happened...

he had planned to withdraw from the 800m seeing as Rudisha of kenya is practically the best pound-for-pound track athlete in the world right now and he had a realistic shot at gold in the 1500m so he was going to focus on that instead.

however, algeria didn't submit his withdrawal in time so he had to race, so he started his heat and then pulled up and wondered off. however, the IOC DQ'd him "for not trying" against the spirit of the games, similar to what happened in the badminton. then he got re-instated because he was able to produce a doctors note saying he had an injured knee and that was the reason he didn't try to finish the race.

the doctors note was obviously a complete stitch up, there was no way he was injured then recovered to win the 1500m but I'm not too bothered, he shouldn't have been made to run in an event because his country's board forgot to submit some forms.
Yeah, that would be like losing a golf major not because you failed to sign your card, but rather that they gave you the wrong card and then disqualified you after for using it :p


I still can't believe Barney Stinson won long jump gold.
I've always hated that rule in golf.

99.9% based on your technical ability to swing a club, judge conditions, distance etc.

however guys, just to keep things interesting we're throwing in a small counting element.
as long as you don't say Beth Tweddle the gymnast is ok then I can forgive Pendleton

Beth Tweddle could eat an apple through a tennis raquet

We had quite a few nice looking girls on our Gymnastics team - even though some of them are a little bit too young. ;) Tweddle - not really one of 'em.

Laura Trott's a nice looking girl as well - but cute rather than 'hot'.


Some stuff I didn't know about her:
In short she has become the heartbeat of Great Britain's women's team pursuit squad and you rather suspect the women's Olympic cycling squad generally. A team player and a leader in both words and deeds.

And all this from an elfin-like 19 year-old who was born with a defective lung and even a year ago was a fringe member of the formidable team pursuit squad, which is probably Great Britain's very best bet for a gold medal on the track come August when it all gets very serious.

All I can say is well done!

ok, this is what I understand as having happened...

he had planned to withdraw from the 800m seeing as Rudisha of kenya is practically the best pound-for-pound track athlete in the world right now and he had a realistic shot at gold in the 1500m so he was going to focus on that instead.

however, algeria didn't submit his withdrawal in time so he had to race, so he started his heat and then pulled up and wondered off. however, the IOC DQ'd him "for not trying" against the spirit of the games, similar to what happened in the badminton. then he got re-instated because he was able to produce a doctors note saying he had an injured knee and that was the reason he didn't try to finish the race.

the doctors note was obviously a complete stitch up, there was no way he was injured then recovered to win the 1500m but I'm not too bothered, he shouldn't have been made to run in an event because his country's board forgot to submit some forms.

Bit of a mess all round, eh?

Which is something you can't say about the Games themselves:
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