London 2012 Olympics

You obviously never followed the rule., as long as there is grass on the pitch..!! :spy


One thing I just realised about the closing ceremony, why the heck didn't they wheel out Spandau Ballet for a bit of 'Gold'? They missed just a little bit of a trick there.

TV feels a bit empty without the Olympics... sniff....sniff :lol

So, did anyone get the game? If so, what did you think of it?
I'm not really big on the Olympics but watched a bit of the closing ceremony and wow how good was Emeli Sande....?

Pure class, brought a lump to the throat,,,,!!!! Well almost..
I used to watch the Olympics with a moderate interest, but from now on I'm going to look forwards to each and every one!

Has anyone been inspired to get more sporty by the Games? I've been running for quite a while anyway, but now I'd really love to join an Athletics Club, sounds like a right laugh! :)

I loved the bit where an image of Freddie Mercury led the crowd - that was especially poignant as he died back in 1991. Ach, it would've been worth it being there just for that! By the way, there are some simply stunning shots of both ceremonies that will make great desktop wallpapers. :)
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A bit like when your girlfriend? you can guess the rest of the joke.

When you get married those kind of bed sports are very rare, but having an impressive meat lolly means the actions of a crippled man in scary movie 2 are a possibilty
NZ just picked up another medal today after the belarussian shot putter got stripped for doping.

Pretty massive news over here. A lot of people had raised questions because she just looks like a man, and after going back to Belarus a couple of months ago her performances increased dramatically.

LOL, my University won more medals than NZ

Your university probably invests more money into sport than our whole country does...

Our six gold's is really quite astonishing, when you consider that Aussie only won 7, Italy 8, and France and Germany 11. They all put a massive emphasis on sport, and all of their populations are massive compared to ours. Even when you compare us to the likes of Canada 1, and Spain and Brazil 3.

On a side note, your country's 4 x 400m relay team was beaten by an island of like 100,000 people. :p
I don't think she did it deliberately personally, I don't think she'd be that stupid.
I don't think she did it deliberately personally, I don't think she'd be that stupid.

Even if she didn't do it deliberately, she still had steroids in her system when she won, so she's not going to get her Gold back either way. I think she's saying that the IOC is out to get Belarus, or something like that.
Yea she's not getting her medal back unless she can show the tests were wrong which I don't think she'll be able to do. But I don't think she knowingly took the drugs
Blatantly obvious she's used them. Steroids don't just appear in someones system.

If she had too much testosterone in her system she could argue but she hasn't. Glad she got caught.
The two year ban in force at the moment is a joke. That literally means they won't actually miss a single Olympiad! If you cheat in this way, that should be it - out for good! That would be an effective deterrent for those who want to cheat, no? I know some people take these things unknowingly, but if they're found to be guilty of wilful cheating, then they should be thrown out permanently.
the ban's are too lenient right now and potentially commercially damaging anyway. no one wants to see drug cheats win and no one wants to doubt the results.

i don't actually know why they don't use sting operations to catch people out. I'm totally against stings to set up people for criminal conviction but when it's an effort the ensure that sportsmen are abiding to rules I don't see that much wrong with it seeing as the ultimate consequence would be a temporary ban (seems no different than a company sending out a "secret shopper" to check it's staff are working to their standard and are re-educated, I would also say anyone caught this way gets a lesser ban) and the seed of mistrust it would spread would be good for sport.
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