Magazine/Website Reviews

8/10 from PlayStation Universe...Yeah :banana2

PlayStation Universe Review

Excellent review

Mark added 3 Minutes and 25 Seconds later...

In fact, International Cricket 2010 is as close a simulation to a game of cricket that you’ll have ever played on console, offering a technically sound experience on the pitch that does very well to capture those "exciting" moments.............

It's a testament that matches, when played on any difficulty above "Normal," mimic the real sport well and no matter how tempting it is, you won't just get away with slogging the ball on every shot; a blend of defensive and attacking play is the only way that you'll be able to win.....................

Ultimately, this means that you have to change the way you play depending on how the opposition plays against you: International Cricket 2010 offers a tactical game of cricket that imitates this aspect of the sport very well.........................

It does feel like you have 100% control over every shot.................

The enhanced batting and bowling controls, the superb action cam, the new game modes and the overall lick of polish makes International Cricket 2010 a must-buy for any serious cricket fan this summer..............................

The important bits of that interview. Anyone who is still waiting to buy this game, what more do you want?
The important bits of that interview. Anyone who is still waiting to buy this game, what more do you want?
I need a console. :( Seriously, I'm thinking of buying one but is the game really worth it? I mean it looks good but on the other hand it looks like a patched AC09. I'm yet undecided.
Quite a few people have bought consoles for this. Also, if you get a console its not as if IC10 is the only game you will play. Odds are that most future releases will be console only so you might as well get on the bandwagon now.

As for it being patched AC09, I'll let you know personally when I get the game but my initial impression from reading all the reviews and posts on PC is that its far from being simply AC09 + beta2. Its tactically an entirely new game (supposedly)
Thanks for the heads-up! Again anyone who starts to say Test matches are dull and boring affairs can't be trusted to write a neutral and insightful review. Therefore much has to be disregarded as being written by a bloke who wants to bash the ball about while eating Cheese and Onion crisps and shoving a pint of lager down his gullet while his mate goads him and tries to give him a playful wedgy!:p

Indeed. Why do they bother giving a game to someone who clearly doesn't like the sport?

8/10 from PlayStation Universe...Yeah :banana2

PlayStation Universe Review

How reliable are they? I find that PC Gamer, for example, are usually right if they give a game a high mark - I rarely disagree with them.
6/10 from GAMEDOT


Gamedot said:
Perhaps more annoying when you?re fielding is the pathetic excuse for a camera. When fielding and you have an attempt to catch the ball, it will be surrounded by a colour. Red and the player will drop the ball, amber and it?s 50-50 whether he completes the catch, and then green which means you?ll catch the ball clearly and the batsman?s walking back. The challenge is in the speed that the colours can change. It won?t stay on green for long, a second if that. But that again is clever by the developers as it makes the game a challenge. The problem comes when the camera goes to third person view behind the catching player, and the ball goes above the camera. It?s then all down to guess work and luck whether you complete the catch. In a tough and tight match, it can be really disheartening, and maybe even cost you the game.

He's picked on the wrong thing to knock I'd say.
Obviously has no skills if he can't take slips catches and thinks the catching system is random. Ive been able to catch many that even go out of the range of the screen. :facepalm
He's picked on the wrong thing to knock I'd say.
The only thing that makes the catching poor is the absolutely awful bouncing around of the animation - there's no fluidity at all when its on slow down and you have limbs flying everywhere in the process. So I kinda get what he's saying about the camera - the slowdown in the catching highlights all the bad parts of the graphics.
if i was to review this game i wouldnt give it above a 5 probably a 4 (and ashes a 3)

the gameplay is seriously flawed and it is only a slight improvement on AC09. its great that there arent 3-4 runs outs per innings now but the AI now loses 20% of there runs but refusing easy singles and twos.

bowling is boring and doesnt replicate real life. simply chosing a delivery and then timing a button press is boring. i love cricket and am a purist so prefer the long version of the game but bowling feels like you are waiting for something to happen rather than making it happen and the main problem when you do take a wicket it is usual from some ridiculous bit of AI (back foot defensive to full ball and missing by 3 ft)

things like licenses, graphics, commentry, sound effects etc arent game breakers but are all terrible.

if you are like me and love cricket you will put up with the flaws and play the game through gritted teeth. HOWEVER lets not expect non cricket lovers to do the same. this game is rubbish and only our love of the sport keeps us coming back

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