International Coach
This is the second part of my tutorial. It is another programming basic, and hopefully will be shorter.
Functions are very useful. You put a value into a function, and it pops another one out. For example, the Math.Sqr function, if you put 16 in, it will give you the square root of 16 (which is 4.).
To use a function, you need to store the value in a variable (see above). You can have a function on its own, but it won't do anything.
A sub is kind of liek a function, except it doesn't return a value. It just runs through all the instructions in the sub, for example form.Hide hides the form.
Colin also mentioned properties. A property of something is a variable, like a setting of it, for example form.Width sets the width of the form (duh) . Some properties you can't change, and they are used for you to use the value, for example strMsg.Length will tell you the number of characters (letters,number etc.) there is in strMsg.
Right thats enough theory. Next we'll be beginning to make the editor (the fun part!). Sorry I had to be boring above, but those are things you need to know.
This is the second part of my tutorial. It is another programming basic, and hopefully will be shorter.
Functions are very useful. You put a value into a function, and it pops another one out. For example, the Math.Sqr function, if you put 16 in, it will give you the square root of 16 (which is 4.).
To use a function, you need to store the value in a variable (see above). You can have a function on its own, but it won't do anything.
A sub is kind of liek a function, except it doesn't return a value. It just runs through all the instructions in the sub, for example form.Hide hides the form.
Colin also mentioned properties. A property of something is a variable, like a setting of it, for example form.Width sets the width of the form (duh) . Some properties you can't change, and they are used for you to use the value, for example strMsg.Length will tell you the number of characters (letters,number etc.) there is in strMsg.
Right thats enough theory. Next we'll be beginning to make the editor (the fun part!). Sorry I had to be boring above, but those are things you need to know.