One Of The Most Memorable Incidents on diwali are the snake fireworks. We'd many of those, and what they 'basically' do is rotate around themselves creating amazing sparks, like a dog around it's tail, and it was fun actually, you lit them, and come back, and watch them dance for a long time. But it was me, KBC, the wizard of fireworks :cool: *cough*

I had to do something memorable, well, i didn't have the intention to do it tbh, but it happened. Took a snake cracker, lit it, came back running to a safe place but alas! That wasn't safe enough! The Snake gone mad, instead of turning around itself, It went into the air, turned around like a boomerang, hit the ground and was almost a tremor in action. It turned towards us! It was drizzling through the ground with the freaky sparks and coming towards us in a freaky speed, and it was all blizzy happening in a second you wouldn't react quick enough. It zapped through my legs and turned around, then! :| Revolving around the legs lol!
freaky moment lol! I thank my sense for giving me the idea to drain before i go to lit the fireworks, if not....!
Geez, Awesome diwali, it was.

Can't wait for the next one!