Me on PC.


Panel of Selectors
Sep 1, 2009
Online Cricket Games Owned
OK, so I?m kind of off the leash to discuss stuff incredibly openly with you and keep you very well informed as to what to expect from the game. This is quite unusual, but I'm happy to do this so long as things go as follows:

1) Play nice. I?m here because I?m interested in your opinions and want to engage and discuss about the game. I love debate, but let?s always remember to respect other people?s opinions and when the time comes, agree to disagree like human(e) beings and walk away. ?

2) Be reasonable. I want to give you all unprecedented access, but the usual rules apply: there are things that I cannot discuss for various reasons until the proper time. Please don?t think that this is some sort of cover-up or that I just don?t WANT to give you these things: It?s because I can?t, and not because I won?t!

3) Go like the Facebook page, please follow the Twitter and register/visit the official forums. There?s very few ways in which people putting their hard efforts (and indeed their hard money) into something can judge how things are going easily ? these are a few of them. It may feel like an empty gesture, but for the reasons above it?s incredibly useful: it motivates and comforts those people. And that always makes my life a million percent easier. :)

4) The long form posts I've promised, as well as the dev diaries etc, will be put on the official forums (for the above reasons: every time we get a click we can see how popular the game is!) and I?ll link to them here. That way we get some traffic to help build awareness, but you don?t have to feel compelled to leave your comments there if you?d rather chat here amongst yourselves: Other companies would try and move the community to their own house: I would only encourage you to visit! Sounds fair?

Right then. Onwards!
1) Play nice. I?m here because I?m interested in your opinions and want to engage and discuss about the game. I love debate, but let?s always remember to respect other people?s opinions and when the time comes, agree to disagree like human(e) beings and walk away. ?

I second this. Engaging the "fans" as you're doing is totally not required but it is VERY appreciated and the best we can do (as fans) is respect each other's opinions, yours and play nicely in the little sandbox we call Planet Cricket. I personally, appreciate your interactivity with the best cricket gaming site on the internets. It's something Ubisoft do really well is engaging with fans on Twitter, Facebook and forums. Gabe Graziani is incredibly generous with his time on twitter with the undoubtedly millions of fans of Assassin's Creed and the fact you're willing to be here at all is just fantastic. It's appreciated.

2) Be reasonable. I want to give you all unprecedented access, but the usual rules apply: there are things that I cannot discuss for various reasons until the proper time. Please don?t think that this is some sort of cover-up or that I just don?t WANT to give you these things: It?s because I can?t, and not because I won?t!

I also think it's GOOD to be surprised. Sometimes not knowing everything means it's exciting and unexpected. Knowing what we need to know and no more is a part of any games franchise. Exciting us enough, without spoiling all the neat surprises is a good thing.

3) Go like the Facebook page, please follow the Twitter and register/visit the official forums.

Done and done. Appreciate your time and keeping us in the loop and considering all and any ideas.


Quick links to Facebook and Twitter for folks... Official Website as well.
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Wow! A developer that is making an effort to please its target audience. This is rare indeed. But VERY welcome. :)
Yeah, especially when it is a cricket game where literally any product will sell given the draught we fans have had.
Great news 'Chief', most appreciated is your presence on the forums, been waiting so long for a cricket game to come out, i wish you all the best of luck and good wishes in its development.

Will be following the next few months on here, intently.
This is great and all but Chief you are going to need some thick skin to hang around these parts.

Best of luck on the project, we are all rooting for you but that does not mean we will be kissing your ass either.
This is great and all but Chief you are going to need some thick skin to hang around these parts.

Best of luck on the project, we are all rooting for you but that does not mean we will be kissing your ass either.

Who are you kidding Mark! You' ll kiss anybodies ass. We have all had you in some way or the other.....
Let it be known, if they can't license specific teams and need filler-place fake names, I'll be the first in line to place some lips to ass to get my name as one of the default ones!

....actually, in all seriousness that could be a neat little community contest, FYI.
Let it be known, if they can't license specific teams and need filler-place fake names, I'll be the first in line to place some lips to ass to get my name as one of the default ones!

....actually, in all seriousness that could be a neat little community contest, FYI.

Yep! My lip gloss is ready as we speak! But I like any opportunity to wear some make up...

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