Members info thread - Post about yourself here!

Screen ID: zainawan89
aka: Zain
Favourite Sports: Cricket, football, tennis, badminton
Likes: Test Matches, books, films
Dislikes: rudeness, dishonesty
Likely to end up as a: Computer System Engineer
Screen ID: wfdu_ben91 / thewonderfromdownunder91
aka: Ben
Favourite Sports: Cricket, AFL, Basketball, Tennis, Golf.
Likely to end up as a: Australia's opening batsman & bowler :D
Screen ID: Left_Hander
aka: Michael
Favourite Sports: Soccer, Cricket, Rugby League
Likes: Soccer, Cricket (na duh :D), Rugby League, playing computer games, going to youth group, maths, winning my soccer grand final, the Cronulla Sharks and Planet Cricket :)
Dislikes: Smoking, people that annoy me, Science, Rugby Union, AFL (I like it when Sydney are in the semi's:D) People that say the Sharks suck and don't have a good reason.
Likely to end up as: An accountant - Always liked numbers
Screen ID: langerrox
aka: rox
Favourite Sports: Cricket, AFL, Soccer, Frisbee, Indoor Cricket
Likes: Cricket, Soccer, AFL, Sports photography
Dislikes: you
Likely to end up as a: Sports photographer
Screen ID:JikJak
Favourite Sports:All forms of Cricket, Football, Athletics, Fencing
Likes:Art! Cricket, Football, Fencing, Running, P2s, Computers
Dislikes:Smokers, people who mindlessly swear infront of children, such as my brother
Likely to end up as a:Advertising Executive, i think things noone else would ever come up with, also i could become a sportsman!
A Fencing lover eh? I don't think many of those are on PlanetCricket. :p

Welcome to PC pal, hope you have a good stay here.
i got here at the start of October, as receommended by Treva from my forum, but i didnt know where to start off posting, but i looked here and found this topic so im off and posting, and i will stay active :D
Please do stay active, I love it when a new enthusiastic member arrives on PlanetCricket. Check out some of the artwork threads and request a signature there. You'd better not support Liverpool. :p
Welcome to PC JikJak. Hope you have a wonderful time here. :)
Start your journey by having a look at some of the user titles and their colors. :p

evertonfan said:
You'd better not support Liverpool. :p
not everton either. :whip

Not sure where to post this.

It's a sort of welcome thread for me and I'm getting used too the layout of the forum and can't find one. If a mod. could move it to the correct place it would be a great help.

Anyway. Hi.
My name is Andy, i'm 15 and I live in Nottinghamshire. As the name suggests I am a big Notts. Outlaws fan. I am a member of several cricket boards under the username Lpool91, i'm not sure if any of you will know me though.
I am also the captain of the Stroke Masters on the Stickcricket FCL and will be playing some of your teams in the Inter-forum champions league.

My interests include watching and playing Cricket and Football. I also play Tennis and Badminton as well. Listening to Music, my favourite bands at the moment are Yellowcard, Muse and The Kooks.

Hope to see you about.

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