Members info thread - Post about yourself here!

usy said:
Welcome to PlanetCricket Neddy, I hope you have a good time.
Never believe or listen to our Usy... he can do anything for his benefits. Infact if you watch CNN you must know because last week they showed Usy torturing blackleopard92 with his Big gun Uzy because blackleopard92 didnt give Usy back his 10 penies which he borrowed from him to buy JamesyJames3's milk... :(

:D:D:D:D:D Now Usy boy will start another huge fight :p

Welcome to the forums Neddy! :D
This is an insult! JJ3 milk isn't that cheap! It costs 10 grand! :mad :p

and yeah take a welcome from the famous man with chewing gum legs.
one which farrukh pulls to the deepest point of pacific ocean.
Screen ID: Punk Sk8r
aka: Mohsin Malik
Favourite Sports:
Likes: My Lovely Girlfriend, Cricket ,Sk8in,Football,Manchester United,Pakistan Cricket,My Electric Guitar ,Planet Cricket and Learning how to make 4GB Bats and loads of other things.
Dislikes: Asians who try to act black,people who missunderstand things,the thought of breaking up with my Girlfriend,Rugby,New Poser Rock Bands and more things cant name lol
Likely to end up as a: A County Cricketer or probably a Skateboarder!!!
Farrukh_|$B said:
Never believe or listen to our Usy... he can do anything for his benefits. Infact if you watch CNN you must know because last week they showed Usy torturing blackleopard92 with his Big gun Uzy because blackleopard92 didnt give Usy back his 10 penies which he borrowed from him to buy JamesyJames3's milk... :(

:D:D:D:D:D Now Usy boy will start another huge fight :p

Welcome to the forums Neddy! :D
lol, Neddy honestly that is a lie, i'm a sweet lil' boy. :p

punk sk8r said:
Screen ID: Punk Sk8r
aka: Mohsin Malik
Favourite Sports:
Likes: My Lovely Girlfriend, Cricket ,Sk8in,Football,Manchester United,Pakistan Cricket,My Electric Guitar ,Planet Cricket and Learning how to make 4GB Bats and loads of other things.
Dislikes: Asians who try to act black,people who missunderstand things,the thought of breaking up with my Girlfriend,Rugby,New Poser Rock Bands and more things cant name lol
Likely to end up as a: A County Cricketer or probably a Skateboarder!!!
looks like you really love you're Girlfriend.
Screen ID: banana man
aka: Rhys
Favourite Sports: Cricket, football, rugby, tennis,
Likes: Northants ccc, Torquay united, Simpsons, Women(yes lots of those) Rock and Turkish music, Computers, star wars And James Bond
Dislikes:people who call me cack handed because i am left hand for some things right for others(i write left),Big headed people who put other people down,Chavs, that is it for now otherwise i will be here all day.
Likely to end up as a: Agent for MI6
Screen ID: genghis_khan

aka: Richard

Favourite Sports: AFL, Cricket (obviously), Rugby Union

Likes: Sport, Music, History, Art

Dislikes: Gutless wonders, egotistical individuals, dumb people

Likely to end up as a: Pro Athlete or a Cartoonist :D
Do you like aerial ping-pong (in a non-derogatory sense..) more than cricket? :p

genghis_khan said:
Dislikes: Gutless wonders

You've seen Australian Rules (the film), haven't you? ;)
If not, they use that expression a fair bit, 'cept it's accompanied by a word in-between..
Good film, shame that we had to do it as an English text, I liked it before then.
AKA: Stu
Favourite sports: Cricket, AFL
Likes: Cricket, statistics, music, films, drinking, fantasy cricket.
Dislikes: Most humans
Biggest dislike: Bad English
Likely to end up as: Slacking on a computer somewhere
Slacking on a computer :laugh nice, hey and is your name Stu? Never heard a name like that before.. nice :p
Screen ID: The Young 1
aka: Youngie
Favourite Sports: Football, Cricket, Rugby & American Football
Dislikes: The French, People who think Cricket is Boring and a old mans sport & Inzamam Ul Haq
Likely to end up as: Dunno i'm only 15

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