Middle East crisis

aitzaz said:
hmmm.... i`ll agree with usy on few points .... Israeli`s should live which are given to them! they are just tryin to flame Muslims by trying to get the place which belongs to muslim! if they are doing work by force Muslims can do it too!
So you're suggesting that there should be some places that are only for muslims then? You are a bigot.
andrew_nixon said:
Your claim was that most Americans love Israel. Prove it.

Jews living in Palestine. How terrible! Are you suggesting that they shouldn't be allowed to live there?

Ha ha ha ha.

What points?

All you've done is just ramble on like some mad conspiracy theorist.
you're some kind of having a laugh or something?
usy said:
Defend, killing muslims who did'nt do anything is defending? Hezbollah kidnapped two Israeli soldiers, ok and they kidnapped 20 Hezbollah's men (BBC). what you make of that?
Read his post again Usy.

usy said:
you're some kind of having a laugh or something?
Yes. You're hilarious.

And ignoring a post again Usy, surprise, surprise.
usy said:
Defend, killing muslims who did'nt do anything is defending? Hezbollah kidnapped two Israeli soldiers, ok and they kidnapped 20 Hezbollah's men (BBC). what you make of that?
As I've said Usy, if you read the post, they've gone too far. They've stepped over the line and I'm sure most people will agree that a ceasefire is what's required.
A ceasefire is definitely what's required, but I don't think either side want it.

We're starting to know a bit more about this UN attack. And from what I've seen of it, evidence suggests it wasn't an accident.

Israel were warned by the UN about it during the attack on the observation post.

I wouldn't call 15 missiles a accident.
A ceasefire right now will be useless. It'll be a moral victory for Hezbollah.

Israeli bombing of UN post isn't an accident, its carelessness and ignorance, and this should be punished.

I think an international force is the best solution to the problem, right now. I don't believe in "peace keeping" missions by UN or the international coalition forces. Its simple, all terrorism must be erased.

Lebonese people are peace-loving, and their government is quite helpless (was) since Israel left Lebanon and they were dominated by Hezbollah and other activities fuelled by the neighbouring countries.

You've got to re-build the country, the government and hopefully the International aid reaches every single citizen.

Back to the conflict, civilian injuries/casualities are almost inevitable in any conflict. But Israeli's have gone overboard in their aggression. Unfortuately, war crimes cannot be inflicted on a country. But i'm sure Israel will be under heat from many neighbouring countries and international powers.

Like i said before, ceasefire is not a solution.
cricket_lover said:
Israeli bombing of UN post isn't an accident, its carelessness and ignorance, and this should be punished.
With how advanced Israel's weponary is I think it's hard for them to say it isn't an accident, although they will never admit it.

My personal solution to the Middle East Crisis would be to make Jerusulem a seperate country, and have it a place where anyone of any religion can go, but no one religion controls it. You will never have an agreement to have it part of Israel from Palistine and vice versa, so it may as well be neither. It would be hard to achive, but would go quite a way to sustainable peace
But if you make Jerusalem a seperate country then Israel and the Jewish sector will be very unhappy and they have a big say.

Religion doesn't work well together.
usy, you are a crackup hahahahahaha. You hate Isereal so much, are you obsessed with this this stupid idea that muslims should only be allowed to live in certain areas.
.::Stevo::. said:
usy, you are a crackup hahahahahaha. You hate Isereal so much, are you obsessed with this this stupid idea that muslims should only be allowed to live in certain areas.
I don't 'hate' Isreal, I hate what they are doing right now. It's not a stupid Idea, they have rights, once the Muslim people fall apart they can have that land for free, Palestine have suffered over years and years, you would know if someonecomes to Australia and and tries to take over you're land.
True, I agree. However, I also feel that the fact that Palestinians were once there is in the past as well, and they can't claim the land now. It's unfair to the Israelis to get out of the are now that they're settled there. They've just got to learn to live together, instead of trying to drive each other out.

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