Middle East crisis

Sureshot said:
Israel keep claiming that Hezbollah have 10s of thousands of rockets and are firing 100s every day.

I'm not very sure on that, if they were more people in Israel would've died.
they don't necessarily kill people, though the rockets are sophisticated, you'll need better logistics etc. to fire accurately.

I wonder from where these terrorists are fighting, because Israel are quite deep in to Lebanon now.
BBC NEWS said:
The US has announced a $30m package to ease the suffering of civilians.

The EU has already pledged $12.6m in aid.

Saudi Arabia offers Lebanon $1500m!
At last one of the oil rich nations did something. Well, you know where the loyalties lie :rolleyes:! I suppose Lebanon deserves it though. There has been huge damage done to it's infrastructure, not to mention the casualties.

When are the diplomatic talks meant to start?
They've started already...but for now, there's no "diplomacy". Rice's meeting with Hezbollah (??) was not successful. She's supposed meet the Israeli PM soon.

They'll just ask Israel to stop bombings so civilians can be taken to safer places.. But Israeli strikes will continue and the world powers will wait until Hezbollah is dis-armed, and dismantled (not sure when that will happen, if it does).
I'm sorry buts kinda true.

and just if this guy was alive

ROME - UN Secretary General Kofi Annan on Wednesday said he was "shocked" at Israel's "apparently deliberate targeting" of a UN post in Lebanon, in which up to four UN observers were killed.

Annan described the strike as a "coordinated artillery and aerial attack on a long established and clearly marked UN post."

He said it took place "despite personal assurances given to me by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert that UN positions would be spared Israeli fire."

"Furthermore, General Alain Pelligrini, the UN Force Commander in south Lebanon, had been in repeated contact with Israeli officers throughout the day on Tuesday, stressing the need to protect that particular UN position from attack.

"I call on the Government of Israel to conduct a full investigation into this very disturbing incident and demand that any further attack on UN positions and personnel must stop.


Stunning comments from Annan.
Not surprising from Annan. He was very very reluctant with the war, and was always against civilian (and UN-based) casualities. This is another example of unwanted aggression (rather extremisim) from Israel.

They are rather this problem in a very very dangerous situation, and it'll make more foes than friends (if any they have now).

I expect this situation to continue for a very "long time"
usy said:
I'm sorry buts kinda true.

and just if this guy was alive


Because he was so good? :rolleyes:

Israel have killed 4 UN members after bombing a observation post they were in 14 times, and then the last one killed them all.

Accident my arse.
Because when he was there the Israel?s & The Americans were scared, and you may find out if you write 'PLO' on Wiki, because I'm not gonne bother telling.

.::Stevo::. said:
bahahaha, makes me laugh when some people think they know what thier talking about.

.::Stevo::. all the things you have said, It's easy, it's pish you answer them in no time, but i'm not gonne.

andrew_nixon said:
If by "kinda true" you mean "completely false" then yes.
it's just a way of having a laugh, how is it 'false'?? Americans love Isreales or you can say Jews.

Muhammad Saad said:
Dont take on religion u ba***ed and it looks like u will come to know the pain when ur own country bombed like that
What you said is wrong, I disagree with you because you are ment to set a example of what really muslim is all about, what the media shows is wrong, :rolleyes: and in a way you are helping them. That?s what he thinks and let him.
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Sureshot said:
Because he was so good?
Well he may not have been Gandhi, but he sure as hell was a lot better than any Israeli leader that I've seen, including those who burnt innocents alive when they were leading Israeli special forces :rolleyes:

And this incident of a UN post being bombed is another example of mindless aggression by Israel. The way Israel has been acting, I am beginning to have significant doubts about their claims of Hezbollah firing hundreds of rockets into their territory. It just looks like a classic example of state sponsored terrorism, as someone said on this board a while ago.
What do the Israelis gain by bombing UN? Surely this just puts them in a bad view, come the diplomatic talks.

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