Middle East crisis

you mean the war is not against Hezbollah infact they are trying to invade Lebanon? :eek:
no, they aren't.

They want to capture Hezbollah, but that literally means the whole south of Lebanon is under the radar of Israeli planners.

I think this is an ideal time for peacekeeping forces to arrive, and keep the area under control. Its also the time to re-inforce Lebonese control, both in the public and in the parliament, and get rid of extremism, of all kinds.

For this to happen, they'll need lot of help, both diplomatic and financial, from all the world powers, and more importantly, the Arab nations surrounding these two countries.
ya whitehoman i think there will be more Israeli forces getting in Lebanon and taking control.. but as the lebanese president said that if Israeili forces enter Lebanon(which i think they already did) he will sen Lebanese forces to fight with Hezbollah against Israel.
I don't think that Israel's aim is to (re)capture Lebanon. Hezbollah had kidnapped 2 soldiers and bombed parts of Israel. The country had to do something. Hezbollah were not going to listen diplomatically, and they wanted 400 Palestinian and Lebonese soldiers in return. Israel went into Lebanon to put pressure on Hezbollah to return the soldiers. Maybe they are a bit too extreme. But now, Hezbollah are not going to return the soldiers or stop their attack against Israel, and Israel won't stop until Hezbollah stop. This will keep going on for at least a week until diplomatic talks begin.

Syria and Iran are not helping. Iran is supplying weapons to Hezbollah and Syria is letting them pass through their country, into Lebanon. According to BBC News, Hezbollah has 13,000 rockets, and they're firing 100 every day. So, with their current stock, they can keep attacking Israel for about 4 months! In the middle of all this, it's the Lebonese civilians who are suffering most.
What do the people of Lebanon think about this? Do they blame Hezbollah for provoking Isreal, or Isreal for their disproportionate reaction?

From what I've heard (and please correct me if I'm wrong, because I haven't been following this as closely as I do some news) the Americans are refusing to call for an immediate cease fire, suggesting that they are supporting Isreal and they want Hezbollah taken out completely. The trouble is Hezbollah are based in civilian communities so use of airstrikes are bound to cause innocent deaths. Do Isreal have the military strength to force out Hezbollah in a ground offensive?
I think they have the power, but in doing so they will be killing thousands of civilians. The UN says that war crimes could have been committed so Israel will have to think ten times before they go on an all out attack. By that, I mean an invasion of Lebanon.
Adarsh said:
I think they have the power, but in doing so they will be killing thousands of civilians. The UN says that war crimes could have been committed so Israel will have to think ten times before they go on an all out attack. By that, I mean an invasion of Lebanon.

I disagree, I think a ground assault could be much more 'surgical' in terms of killing Hezbollah members but not civilians thn airstrikes are. I think it would be sensible for the Lebonese to follow Isreal's advice and get out of the area, and let them deal with Hezbollah.
Adarsh said:
Syria and Iran are not helping. Iran is supplying weapons to Hezbollah and Syria is letting them pass through their country, into Lebanon.

Neither are the USA and UK helping by being two of the very few countries that do not support an immediate ceasefire, so that Israel can do "its thing".

Freddiefan said:
I think it would be sensible for the Lebonese to follow Isreal's advice and get out of the area, and let them deal with Hezbollah.

Its not quite as easy to "get out" as you make it to be. Another way of saying the same thing would be to tell Israel to get out Arab lands, so that everybody could live in peace.
Ritwik said:
Only thing I can say is, "same old, same old".
Do you want to clarify that?It's not clear what your saying...

Adarsh said:
I think they have the power, but in doing so they will be killing thousands of civilians. The UN says that war crimes could have been committed so Israel will have to think ten times before they go on an all out attack. By that, I mean an invasion of Lebanon.
It is looking like an invasion now...Isreal have called up their Reserve Army and they are double the size of the regular Army.
BBC News said:
The UN's humanitarian chief Jan Egeland has been touring shattered districts of Beirut, and said the devastation was "a violation of humanitarian law".
Looks like Israel might be in trouble.
Yeah right, remember Israel is an ally of the US who are practically untouchable.

I am suprised that none of the western media have mentioned anything about the phosphorus bombs that the Israelis are using which by the way are also a clear violation of international law.

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