Middle East crisis

Andrew this is because Saudia Arabia is still trying to live in the old styles.. in the islamic style.. Thats why they also have most things under control..
andrew_nixon said:
  • Freedom of religous belief
It isn't the only country to not respect these basic rights, even the UK misses out on the first one completely. But to hold it up as some model country is a joke.

Good point, I hadn't thought of that.

Farrukh, except Human rights. Which is the most important thing to uphold in a society.
Well I will clear here which of these laws are Islamic, It's not just the realigious laws that are in,

Freedom of religous belief (Not Islamic)
Freedom of speech (Not Islamic)
Freedom from cruel punishment (depends)
Freedom of sexuality (Islamic)
Equality of women (not Islamic)

and Mr. nixon I did'nt like it the way you said 'If you like it so much'..

Sureshot, I also have many stories of people converting into Muslims and then suffering.
usy said:
Well I will clear here which of these laws are Islamic, It's not just the realigious laws that are in,

Freedom of religous belief (Not Islamic)
Freedom of speech (Not Islamic)
Freedom from cruel punishment (depends)
Freedom of sexuality (Islamic)
Equality of women (not Islamic)
What's your point?
Some of Saudi Arabian Laws are not Islamic, but they are said to be. I was making clear that Islam do not go with some of them, but some are Islamic laws for Example a Muslim is not allowed to be gay.

And as you said 'If you like it so much, go there' I have already been there, Great country! Hard to understand!
usy said:
Some of Saudi Arabian Laws are not Islamic, but they are said to be. I was making clear that Islam do not go with some of them, but some are Islamic laws for Example a Muslim is not allowed to be gay.

And as you said 'If you like it so much, go there' I have already been there, Great country! Hard to understand!
Yeah Saudi Arabia is a great country! They execute people just because they happen to have been born sexually attracted to the same sex! They cut off the hands of people who steal! They execute people in public by beheading them or stoning them! Women can't drive on public roads! They have no freedom of speech! The deport foreginers with HIV or AIDS rather than give them the treatment they need! They can't criticise the government! There is no freedom of religion, even for other forms of Islam!

Yeah, sounds like a great country! Can I move there?

Anyway, we should probably get back to the topic on hand. If you want to discuss this with me, by all means contact me on MSN.
usy said:
Freedom of religous belief (Not Islamic)

Sureshot, I also have many stories of people converting into Muslims and then suffering.

Rule #14:
We would prefer members not to initiate discussion of religion, racism or terrorism. Unfortunately such topics cannot usually be discussed maturely and end up causing offence intentional or otherwise. This is a cricket messageboard; if you wish to discuss these issues we would prefer if you did so elsewhere.

Right let's get this back on topic once and for all. Feel free to PM me if you want.

700,000 made homeless.

Horrible, of the dead so far in the current conflict nearly half are children.

The attacks from Israel are funded by America, but do America seriously agree with this?
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I can also Criticize other religions, but no My religion Islam says Respect every religion. and I do not expect me to answer all of that because I am a 14 years old Muslim who is still learning and thanks to you, you have made my faith even Strong, I AM A PROUD MUSLIM!

oh and you talking about Qu'ran, let me tell you one more thing, In the first surah (chapter) of Quran, if you think I am a lie you can look you're self. it says

Surat Al-Fatihah (The opening)

"Praise to Allah, the lord of the worlds."

and remember Qu'ran is a very old book, before even science found there are other planets. This is just a small bit. You think whatever you wanna think.

Take care
usy said:
oh and you talking about Qu'ran, let me tell you one more thing, In the first surah (chapter) of Quran, if you think I am a lie you can look you're self. it says
I was actually talking about Saudia Arabia's poor human rights record, not the Qu'ran.

usy said:
and remember Qu'ran is a very old book, before even science found there are other planets. This is just a small bit. You think whatever you wanna think.
What are the uniform and ordered movements, by the assumption of which the apparent movements of the planets can be accounted for? - Plato 4th Century B.C.E.

Anyway, as I said, back on topic. If you want to discuss this further, it'll have to be away from this forum.
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Sureshot had a big long Thread 'Criticizing', i had to make it clear one way or another. sorry andrew I had to, All my respect is there, sorry.

andrew_nixon said:
What are the uniform and ordered movements, by the assumption of which the apparent movements of the planets can be accounted for? - Plato 4th Century B.C.E.
If I knew what that was, i would have also answerd this, anyway as I said it's just a small bit, and you can think what ever you want to as long as you have respect.
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usy said:
If I knew what that was, i would have also answerd this, anyway as I said it's just a small bit, and you can think what ever you want to as long as you have respect.
Just correcting your statement that the Qu'ran was around before science knew about other planets. The Qu'ran cam almost 1000 years after that Plato quote if my history memory serves me correctly. And of course I respect everyone's right to have a religous belief. (unlike a certain countries government, although let's leave that shall we?) I may have no respect for the actual beliefs, as is my right, but people can believe the world was created 50 years ago by a giant flying spaghetti monster for all I care, and I respect their right to believe that.
lol, and i respect you as a mod so i think i should stop here :D.
andrew_nixon said:
Just correcting your statement that the Qu'ran was around before science knew about other planets. The Qu'ran cam almost 1000 years after that Plato quote if my history memory serves me correctly. And of course I respect everyone's right to have a religous belief. (unlike a certain countries government, although let's leave that shall we?) I may have no respect for the actual beliefs, as is my right, but people can believe the world was created 50 years ago by a giant flying spaghetti monster for all I care, and I respect their right to believe that.
:rtfl:rtfl :laugh :laugh

Ok getting back to Topic. I was watching ARY One World News and one of their corespondent is in Lebanon and he showed everything around some minutes ago.. he went in those places where all around him are only destroyed buildings and he was the only one standing there.. many innocent people died for nothing :(.. Look how many people are dieing just because of two soldiers.

Israel wants there soldiers back so does Hezbollah so why dont they just swap the damn soldiers instead of a war! :mad: ahh this is soo bad :(
What the hell is Israel doing? They have now destroyed a transmission tower of LBC, a christian TV station which has been strong in its criticism of Hezbollah, forcing it off air. It's now glaringly obvious this was is not against Hezbollah at all.

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