Middle East crisis

sachin said:
You realise that their state was created from the Palestinian state,and that many Palestinian prisoners were taken,
While that decision was/is debatable, what's done is done. There's no way now that the whole of Israel can be driven out of what was previously Palestine. The Palestinians have to realise this and get along with Israel, and vice versa.

usy said:
Well they are In the middle of the park if their country is in crisis.

Saudi Arabia and UAE are not in Middle east, they are in the Arab parts of Asia.
The Arab parts of Asia are usually included in the term Middle East. For example, go to the Middle East section of the BBC website and it includes countries like Oman, UAE and Saudi Arabia.
aus5892 you may also look at this (wikipedia)


Who is suffering the most?? tell me Mr. Aus5892
aus5892 said:
We are lucky we don't have the conflict of Israel and Lebanon happening around here Stevo so before you make stupid comments and then try and twist your own words

Stevo is always going to make stupid comments on everything. And usually they are funny, or attempts at being funny (no offence Stevo, you get it right sometimes mate ;) )
Thats just the way he lives :cool:

Surprised how long this thread has stayed open.

Anyway, my thoughts, what another mess between Israel and Lebanon. I'm not really sure whos fault it is, or how we should stop it.
I think Bush has made a bad call when endorsing Israel. Its a tough decision, but I think he made the wrong one. He put Al-Quaeda (how do you spell that bloody word) on his back, and thousands died as a result.
Not that its his fault. It was a tough call.
embi said:
Surprised how long this thread has stayed open.
Most of the conversation has been meaningful, so why shouldn't it remain open ?

embi said:
I think Bush has made a bad call when endorsing Israel. Its a tough decision, but I think he made the wrong one. He put Al-Quaeda (how do you spell that bloody word) on his back, and thousands died as a result.
You really think that geopolitics is a game of "I'll support this guy because ethics demand it" ? its a bloody dirty game, and Israel was created due to predominantly US pressure, and has been nurtered by America throughout its existence. This can be linked with the phenomenally powerful (which means monied and influential) jewish groupings in the USA.

BTW, there was an informative piece by David Danieli (the ambassador of Israel to India) in today's Hindustan Times. it makes for good reading. I would suggest all interested to know more about this crisis to read it. Try searching for it at http://www.hindustantimes.com
Ritwik said:
Most of the conversation has been meaningful, so why shouldn't it remain open ?

A couple of posts have been slightly flamish, but I can't (and didn't ;) ) deny it.

Ritwik said:
You really think that geopolitics is a game of "I'll support this guy because ethics demand it" ? its a bloody dirty game, and Israel was created due to predominantly US pressure, and has been nurtered by America throughout its existence. This can be linked with the phenomenally powerful (which means monied and influential) jewish groupings in the USA.

BTW, there was an informative piece by David Danieli (the ambassador of Israel to India) in today's Hindustan Times. it makes for good reading. I would suggest all interested to know more about this crisis to read it. Try searching for it at http://www.hindustantimes.com

I don't, tbh I don't really know that much about the subject, so I will shut up after having said my opinion because I have nothing better to say. Btw, thanks for the link. Will have a look later, gotta go now.
Ritwik said:
Most of the conversation has been meaningful, so why shouldn't it remain open ?
Just to add to this, I'm sure all my fellow staff will agree with me in saying that I am impressed that this topic has been handled relatively maturely by you all. Such topics can easily spiral out of control into flame wars and childish posts, as some have on this very forum.

You all deserve a pat on the back for discussing such a sensitive topic in such a mature fashion.
Ritwik said:
This can be linked with the phenomenally powerful (which means monied and influential) jewish groupings in the USA.
I'd say take out the word Jewish and replace it with Zionist and I completely agree with your post.
Since 1949 the U.S. has given Israel a total of $83.205 billion. The interest costs borne by U.S. tax payers on behalf of Israel are $49.937 billion, thus making the total amount of aid given to Israel since 1949 $133.132 billion. This may mean that U.S. government has given more federal aid to the average Israeli citizen in a given year than it has given to the average American citizen.

Taken from http://www.washington-report.org/html/us_aid_to_israel.htm

An interesting read into just how much funds Israel recieve from the American Treasury and other American 'charities'.
Adarsh said:
While that decision was/is debatable, what's done is done. There's no way now that the whole of Israel can be driven out of what was previously Palestine. The Palestinians have to realise this and get along with Israel, and vice versa.

The Arab parts of Asia are usually included in the term Middle East. For example, go to the Middle East section of the BBC website and it includes countries like Oman, UAE and Saudi Arabia.
Yes but there will always be hatred when Isreal refuses to follow the UN resolution which plainly states that Isreal is illegally on Palestian land.

Sureshot said:
Since 1949 the U.S. has given Israel a total of $83.205 billion. The interest costs borne by U.S. tax payers on behalf of Israel are $49.937 billion, thus making the total amount of aid given to Israel since 1949 $133.132 billion. This may mean that U.S. government has given more federal aid to the average Israeli citizen in a given year than it has given to the average American citizen.

Taken from http://www.washington-report.org/html/us_aid_to_israel.htm

An interesting read into just how much funds Israel recieve from the American Treasury and other American 'charities'.
And you can understand many Amercians being extremely angry about that,and making up all kinds of conspiracy theories.The fact that countries won't be able to do anything meaningful because America says so is the real problem here.If other countries can't work productively between themselves,find solutions,then put them into practice,even when America disagrees,is a major problem for the world.I don't think anyone here wants the USA to be OUR sole protector,as it can leads to it wanting to(or believing it has to)meddle in other countries,often to the USA's detriment(Vietnam).

Well I think the backers of Hezbellah (If the US intelligence is to be believed....) might disagree.

I've not heard Blair or Brown talk about it much lately, there was bit on This Week last night on BBC1 about when people say things and don't realise about the microphone is still their. :D
Sureshot said:

Well I think the backers of Hezbellah (If the US intelligence is to be believed....) might disagree.

I've not heard Blair or Brown talk about it much lately, there was bit on This Week last night on BBC1 about when people say things and don't realise about the microphone is still their. :D
But it's just expected(or presumed),that UK and Aus wil follow wherever the Us should go.

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