International Cricketer
The problem for Israel is that, diplomacy will not work. None of the surrounding countries, who predominantly follow Islam, will ever except them, even as neighbours. What they've done to Palestine over the last few decades is still pricking these states around Israel.Ritwik said:The point is that both sides seem more eager to kill civilians to show their "strength" or whatever. Israel seems to follow the philosophy of unleashing many times as brutal acts of violence as they've faced on their "enemies" - and this strategy has thus far failed to provide any tangible results over the last 60 years. Maybe time to think of something else ? Remember, an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
Israel is pro-US, pro-West. Thats something the extremists will never favour.
The fire-with-fire attitude and application has made the more enemies than friends.
They will be under enormous pressure, these unwanted attacks on Lebanon (though acceptable in one or two cases) is just inviting wraths of both the extremists/terrorists and the neighbouring states.