Middle East crisis

Yeh true that the US are allys with Israel but the US if you remember have kicked up a fuss against the israelis telling them not to kill innocent civillians, saying they are taking it too far now.

I hope it all stops soon but i think there is alot worse to come.
FreddieFan said:
What do the people of Lebanon think about this? Do they blame Hezbollah for provoking Isreal, or Isreal for their disproportionate reaction?

From what I've heard (and please correct me if I'm wrong, because I haven't been following this as closely as I do some news) the Americans are refusing to call for an immediate cease fire, suggesting that they are supporting Isreal and they want Hezbollah taken out completely. The trouble is Hezbollah are based in civilian communities so use of airstrikes are bound to cause innocent deaths. Do Isreal have the military strength to force out Hezbollah in a ground offensive?
The Lebonese people are caught between two waves, coming from either sides.

Its unfortunate that the people are the real victims, with either side getting away with civilian casuality.
Farrukh_|$B said:
Israel wants there soldiers back so does Hezbollah so why dont they just swap the damn soldiers instead of a war! :mad: ahh this is soo bad :(
Because Israel is anti-Hezbollah, Israel?s only 3 or 4 Soldiers are with Hezbollah, and Israelis have about 20 of their men. Just killing Muslims who didn?t do anything!!
And I got this from BBC if someone is trying to prove it wrong.

I was too watching ARY One World a great Channel, they tell all the truth, what CNN and stuff have is 2 Israel?s saying Go ON!
In my personal opinion, I have always been a fan of Israel, or rather I have believed in it. Most of the full scale wars Israel fought in the past, the War of Independence, the Six Day War, and the Yom Kippur War, were those in which Israel was attacked and had to preserve itself.

This is clearly not the case here, Israel has overreacted; it seems that the jingoists are taking command and Israel's actions are quite unwarranted for the 'acts' that were committed against it. How can one rationalize destroying an entire nation when a group within it, which is in most probable cases quite unrelated to the general populace's opinions, commits a terrorist attack? Undermining Lebanese sovereignty is really quite unjust.
Adarsh said:
Looks like Israel might be in trouble.

Highly unlikely, tens of countries are breaking many humanitarian laws but nothing is given against them, take most African countries.

PS: Apologies for that long post, very silly of me to go into that on here.

Adarsh said:
Syria and Iran are not helping. Iran is supplying weapons to Hezbollah and Syria is letting them pass through their country, into Lebanon. According to BBC News, Hezbollah has 13,000 rockets, and they're firing 100 every day. So, with their current stock, they can keep attacking Israel for about 4 months! In the middle of all this, it's the Lebonese civilians who are suffering most.

There's no proof of Iran supplying weapons to hezbollah, Irani militants might but anything like that is based on American intelligence, the same intelligence of the WMDs?
prarara said:
In my personal opinion, I have always been a fan of Israel, or rather I have believed in it.
No offence but nearly everyone in USA is.
They call for a ceasefire yet they practically fund the Israeli army.

Adarsh, calling for a ceasefire won't do much, especially when Bush has said that he thinks that Iran and Syria are backing Hezbollah, he wants Hezbollah off the map, yet Rice contradicts that.

They called for ceasefires in Northern Ireland for decades.

Actions speak louder than words.
they haven't called for ceasefire yet. Its not in their interests. Their doing dual role right now, and the bombings will continue.
.::Stevo::. said:
Bloody middle east again.

I saw one guy on tv with blood and stuff and he was injured running out a bombed building yelling out "god is great, blah blah blah"....what????

I wish we could just push the middle east to out of space or something, sorry if it sounds racist but im sick of all this conflict.
Dont take on religion u ba***ed and it looks like u will come to know the pain when ur own country bombed like that
i agree with Stevo

if it wasnt for the middle east and religion altogether the world would be a much more happy and peaceful place.

*waits for thousands of negative reps*
Muhammad Saad said:
Dont take on religion u ba***ed and it looks like u will come to know the pain when ur own country bombed like that
I agree with Stevo.You have a go at him for speaking his mind...And do you support people who want to kill and maim just on the basis of religion.Can't you thats exactly what Stevo's on about... :rolleyes:
Israel keep claiming that Hezbollah have 10s of thousands of rockets and are firing 100s every day.

I'm not very sure on that, if they were more people in Israel would've died.

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