Modern Warfare 2

I don't mind Afghan. The only thing that I don't like about it is that it kills your eyes after a while of looking at nothing but desert. Next time we're both on we'll have a good bash on 'Team Deathmatch', hopefully on the same side. Otherwise I'll have to toast your ass ;)

I'm horrible at MW2.. :(

WaW wasn't this bad :p

Maybe I just need to get used to the pace of this game. (AND THE STUPID HELICOPTERS)
The cheapest i`ve seen (and bought) is off JB-HIFI, they sell it for $80-90 odd for both X360 and PS3( You have a PS3 yeah?), not sure about the PC but should be same price. Dont get it off places like EB Games, Dick Smith etc, the price there is $120. Should be the same prices in Tassie i suppose.
Someone, please help?

Damn, i'm stuck on the level where you have to protect the DRM as it is copying it from Makarov's computer. I keep getting my ass flashbombed, which eventually leads me to get shot. I'm sick of this level!
Someone, please help?

Damn, i'm stuck on the level where you have to protect the DRM as it is copying it from Makarov's computer. I keep getting my ass flashbombed, which eventually leads me to get shot. I'm sick of this level!
Hope this helps...
I just completed this level on veteran :D. It's the only one I actually found hard. Basically I stayed in the room behind the DRM. Behind you, you sometimes get shots through the window but rarely - and they don't kill you. From there you can see the front entrance and the side entrance. So just keep switching your view from side to side and kill them off. Reload when you get the chance because otherwise 2/3 will come at you at once and you have to reload half way through and get killed.

It was so annoying because I got to 2/3 seconds left then I was shot from all angles.
I'm hooked on S&D and Hardcore S&D. These game modes undoubtedly require the most strategy online.
I'm hooked on S&D and Hardcore S&D. These game modes undoubtedly require the most strategy online.

See on CoD:MW I was absolutely addicted to H-S&D. I can't quite get into it on CoD:MW2. I hear Hardcore Headquarters is coming however :D
Do you reccomend doing the single player first or just jumping online?
Personally, jump online! The reason you buy CoD is for its online play.

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