Most Biased Commentator

Who Do You Think Is The Most Biased Commentator In the Cricket Today?

  • Nasser Hussain

    Votes: 6 24.0%
  • Ian Botham

    Votes: 7 28.0%
  • Sanjay Manjrekar

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Micheal Holding

    Votes: 2 8.0%
  • Bob Willis

    Votes: 1 4.0%
  • David Lloyd

    Votes: 1 4.0%
  • Ranjit Fernando

    Votes: 1 4.0%
  • Rameez Raja

    Votes: 7 28.0%

  • Total voters
I think guys in Lehmann's position feel like they have to keep their end up, because the home commentators keep bashing their team. All through the NatWest series the British commentators kept saying stuff about how McGrath, Gillespie and Kasprowicz have no pace and all the batsmen are out of form, how their fielding has dropped off so much, how they're all so old now and you think to yourself, hang about, this is the best team at the moment, what the hell?

Clarke, I think, has been targetted, rather unfairly. He has been earmarked as Mr. Out-of-form, but look at his ODI record for the NatWest series. Also, in Tests this year, he has only batted 8 innings from 7 matches. He has scarcely been needed. I tell you, too, the way he is batting today (touch wood) he certainly doesn't look out of form.

Perhaps it's all in my head, but that's my impression.
Guys, why shouldn't English (British) commentators be biased towards England. The football commentators are. I expect it is the same in most places in the world!
themuel1 said:
Guys, why shouldn't English (British) commentators be biased towards England. The football commentators are. I expect it is the same in most places in the world!
Believe me it is!

You should try and translate the French commentators comments about the french football team.

I remember one of them saying during a friendly match vs belgium - "First god gave us Pele, then he gave us Platini, and now he has given us anelka."
angryangy said:
I think guys in Lehmann's position feel like they have to keep their end up, because the home commentators keep bashing their team. All through the NatWest series the British commentators kept saying stuff about how McGrath, Gillespie and Kasprowicz have no pace and all the batsmen are out of form, how their fielding has dropped off so much, how they're all so old now and you think to yourself, hang about, this is the best team at the moment, what the hell?

Clarke, I think, has been targetted, rather unfairly. He has been earmarked as Mr. Out-of-form, but look at his ODI record for the NatWest series. Also, in Tests this year, he has only batted 8 innings from 7 matches. He has scarcely been needed. I tell you, too, the way he is batting today (touch wood) he certainly doesn't look out of form.

Perhaps it's all in my head, but that's my impression.

About the pacers, they said they were all one paced. all 82mph average. At the start of the tour Australia were very out of sorts. Losing to Bangladesh, Somerset and leics iirc. Not forgetting england :D
They aren't too biased from what i have heard. Having international commentators always helps. Most bias commentators i have ever heard were the rugby league ones from sky sports
I think every country's commentator is biased towards their own country.But some English commentators are over biased
aussies doin well 4 old men.but i think gatting/gooch/stewart etc,etc,were all older than the current aussie team when they still played.
Obviously Rameez Raja.He's an idiot who speaks abot Paksitan always,eventhough Pakistan is in a loosing stage.
noone can dare to get into mess with sidhu

what he says, is said.

you have to accept it or he'll make a monkey out of you

some sidhuisms

Navjot Singh Sidhu said:
There, there, that's a dead duck!

As innocent as freshly laid egg.

All that comes from a cow is not milk.

The ball whizzes past like a bumble bee and the Indians are in the sea.

Bengal without Tigers!

He's in a soup!

Bamboozles and mesmerizes.

Commenting on Sri Lankans as demons on the slow and sluggish pitches:
When you are dining with the demon you've got to have a long spoon!

Don't open your old umbrella and run it over your shoulder.

Beauty even when silent is eloquent.

The Indians are finding the gaps like a pin in a haystack.

Yuvraj Singh - The pied piper of Punjab!

Harbhajan - The sardar from Jalandhar !

On S.Ramesh's diving catch in 1st innings of 2nd test vs. Sri Lanka:
He flew like a bird and plucked it out of thin air.

Sri Lankan score is running like an Indian taxi meter.

He pierced it through an eye of a needle.

As crisp as a cracker.

New Zealanders have their limits, The kiwis are the birds that cannot fly!

About Chris Harris he said:
He is a dibbly dobbly bowler.

My idea of a bird is 36-24-36.

Runs are flowing like the fare in Indian taxi.

When he fielded well as a substitute for Sachin Tendulkar in the 1 dayers:
Ajit Agarkar is as fresh as a daisy.

When a loud appeal was rejected:
Big outcry, no outcome!

Its very difficult to kill a man who is hell bent upon committing suicide!

Statistics are like miniskirts, they reveal more than what they hide.

The Indians are jelling together as a cohesive unit.

The pitch is as dead as a dodo.

Dravid has hit this shot as straight as a candle.

In the midst of a verbal duel with Martin Crowe:
Wickets are like wives - you never know which way they will turn!

Commenting on Ganguly after he was out for a low score in the 2nd
Test against Zimbabwe:

...Looks like a brooding hen over a china egg

In the midst of a verbal duel with Tony Greig:
If ifs and buts were pots and pans, there would be no tinkers!

When Ganguly took a catch that had gone very high in the air:
That ball went so high it could have got an air hostess down with it!

In India's last match against New Zealand:
New Zealanders are like bicycles in a cycle stand - one falls down and
the complete row will be down

Taking the cake with a red cherry on top.

For Sri Lankan batsman Kaluwitharna, when he was wasting many balls:
He is like Indian three-wheeler which will suck a lot of diesel but cannot
go beyond 30!

To Martin Crowe:
The Indians are going to beat the Kiwis! Let me tell you, my friend,
that the Kiwi is the only bird in the whole world which does not have wings!

As cool as a cucumber!

Muralitharan bowling to the last Indian pair:
The wily fox is back. Its an ill omen when a fox licks its lambs.

Applauding Reetinder Singh Sodhi's fighting spirit:
Young Ricky will fight a rattlesnake and give him the first two bites!

The gap between bat and pad is so much that I would have driven a car
through it... !
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i rekon lehmann did an awesome job in the box in the natwest challenge. i think he spoke mostly about the australians, but when he did, 90% of the time it was "ponting will be considering this" or "i would be doing that". when he rated teams he did it very fairly. lol, if u hadn't noticed boof is my idol. also, the most biast commentators were nasser hussain and the guy that said hayden "was big enuf" when s jones threw the ball at him. what an asshole

also, i dnt suppose u english guys have heard much of Ian Healy and Mark Taylor, but they are very fair, particularly Ian Healy
I hate having to listen to Hussain, I really do think hes a shocking commentator along with Greig. Everything he does annoys me, his voice is annoying, what he says is annoying. Lehman isn't great either. Botham, Allot and Holding are my favorites, the others are average.
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here are some funny comments made by commentaters. (source- Cricket, It's a funny old Game)

A brain scan revealed that Adrew Caddick is not suffering from a stress fracture of the shin -[BJoe Sheldon[/B]

Two Balls Remain -David Gower (commentating at a test match) after the batsmen ahd been hit in the groin

If Srinath can bowl a little extra pace, the ball will come to bat more faster -Kris Srikknath

That was a magnificent ****ing shot! -Bill Lawry, a little more excited then usual

Omar Henry hit one or two boundaries in his seven -Nic Collins

What a great shot! no, he's out! -Tony Greig

Strangely, the ball seems to hang in the air longer in the slow motion replay -David Acfield

The bowlers' Holding, Te Batsmens' Willey -Brian Johnston

it's a funny old month. october. for a real cricket fan, it's when you realize your wife left u in may -Dennis Norden

hope u like

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